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词汇 kills
释义 kill·s 英kɪl美kɪl COCA⁸³⁶⁶BNC⁹⁹⁰³Economist¹⁰³⁸⁸
vt. & vi. 杀死

put to death; cause the death of

vt. & vi. 终止,结束

bring to an end

vt. & vi. 停


vt. & vi. 使疼痛,使痛苦

cause pain to sb

vt. & vi. 使失败,遭拒绝

cause to fail or be rejected

the act of terminating a lifethe destruction of an enemy plane or ship or tank or missile;

the pilot reported two kills during the mission

cause to die; put to death, usually intentionally or knowingly;

This man killed several people when he tried to rob a bank

The farmer killed a pig for the holidays

thwart the passage of;

kill a motion

he shot down the student's proposal

end or extinguish by forceful means;

Stamp out poverty!

be fatal;

cigarettes kill

drunken driving kills

be the source of great pain for;

These new shoes are killing me!

overwhelm with hilarity, pleasure, or admiration;

The comedian was so funny, he was killing me!

hit with so much force as to make a return impossible, in racket games;

She killed the ball

hit with great force;

He killed the ball

deprive of life;

AIDS has killed thousands in Africa

cause the death of, without intention;

She was killed in the collision of three cars

drink down entirely;

He downed three martinis before dinner

She killed a bottle of brandy that night

They popped a few beer after work

mark for deletion, rub off, or erase;

kill these lines in the President's speech

tire out completely;

The daily stress of her work is killing her

cause to cease operating;

kill the engine

destroy a vitally essential quality of or in;

Eating artichokes kills the taste of all other foods


❌ He killed the snake but it escaped.

✔️ He tried to kill the snake but it escaped.



❌ Herself was killed by her last night.

✔️ She killed herself last night.

✔️ She was killed by herself last night.



❌ We have killed all the invaders to death.

✔️ We have killed all the invaders.

kill有“杀而致死”的意思,因此to death是多余的。

kill by, kill with


kill by用于被动结构可引出动作的主体,而kill with则没有这种用法。例如:

Cage was killed by the thief.凯奇被那个贼杀死了。kill, assassinate, die, execute


1.kill表示“杀死”,是中性词,一般指死于非命; die表示“死”,是中性词,一般指正常死亡。例如:

He died three years ago.他三年前去世了。


The attempt of assassinating the prime minister failed.刺杀首相的企图未能得逞。


The man was executed for treason of his own country.那人因叛国罪而被处死。

2.kill的宾语可以是人或物,施动者也可以是人或物; die常用作不及物动词,不用于被动结构,可跟同源宾语。例如:

She died a heroic death.她英勇就义了。


The invaders murdered thousands and thousands of the natives.侵略者屠杀了成千上万的当地居民。kill, butcher, massacre, slaughter


kill, hang, murder, shoot


1.kill是一般用语,指任何致死的行动,不能表示“杀而未死”; murder主要指用非法手段蓄意地、有预谋地杀害某人; shoot专指用枪打死或用非法手段暗杀某人,本词有“打杀而未必死”之义,故若强调“打杀死”时需要其他词的辅助,常见的结构有:

shoot…and kill…, shoot…to death, shoot…dead等; hang特指“绞死或吊死”。例如:

She killed him with a hammer.她用铁锤砸死了他。
He was murdered by his brother.他被他哥哥谋杀了。
He shot a lion with his rifle.他用步枪打中一头狮子。
He was hanged for murder.他因杀人而被绞死。

2.kill的宾语可以用于人,也可用于动物、植物; shoot的宾语可以用于人,也可用于动物; murder, hang的宾语只用于人,不能用于动物、植物。例如:

The frost killed the flowers.严霜使花枯死。
He shot a bird and killed it.他打中了一只鸟,并且把它打死了。
She murdered her husband.她谋杀了她的丈夫。

He hanged himself in sorrow after his wife died. 他妻子死后,他在悲痛之下吊死了。









用作动词 v.
~+名词kill a bill否决议案kill a cat杀死一只猫kill a dog杀死一只狗kill a light关灯kill a live circuit切断通电电路kill a man杀死一个人kill a petition拒绝请愿书kill a policeman杀死一个警察kill an engine使发动机熄火kill animals宰动物kill faith使丧失信心kill hunger充饥kill joy扫兴kill proposal否决提案kill sb's appetite使某人毫无食欲kill sb's interest破坏某人的情趣kill submarine炸沉潜水艇kill time消磨时间~+副词kill well出肉率高kill accidentally意外地杀死kill basely卑鄙地杀死kill brutally残忍地杀死kill completely彻底杀死kill easily轻易地宰杀kill ferociously凶猛地杀死kill incessantly不断地破坏kill infallibly彻底地杀死kill insanely疯狂地杀死kill instantly立即杀死kill intentionally有意地杀死kill pitilessly无情地杀死kill savagely野蛮地杀死kill slightly悄悄地杀死kill uselessly无效地破坏kill utterly完全地杀死kill wantonly胡乱地杀死kill off完全除掉,使全死掉,使完全失去kill off all one's political opponents把政敌全部除掉kill out杀掉,除去,消灭,摧毁~+介词kill by用…杀死,由于…而死kill by falling from the roof of a house从屋顶上掉下来摔死kill by poison服毒自杀kill for为了…而宰杀kill in在…中丧生kill in accident在事故中丧生kill on死于…kill on the railway卧轨自杀kill with用…杀死,消灭
kill by〔with〕 v.+prep.

用…杀死,被…害死 kill (sb/sth use sth)

kill sb/sth by〔with〕 sthShe killed him by a hammer.她用锤子砸死了他。
You will kill the child with kindness.你溺爱孩子会害了他。
He killed his enemy with a spear.他用长矛刺死了他的仇敌。
The jewel thief killed one of the policemen with a knife.珠宝贼用刀子杀死了一名警察。
You will have to kill these unwanted plants with poison.你得用药把那些多余的植物除掉。
He was killed by a heavy stone.他被一块大石头砸死了。
He was killed by famine.他死于饥荒。
She was killed by a fall from the horse.她从马上跌下来摔死了。
kill off v.+adv.

消灭; 把…一个接一个地杀死 kill (things or people one at a time)

kill sb/sth ⇔ offThe invaders killed off all the inhabitants of the town.侵略者将全城居民杀光。
The flood of hunters killed off most of the buffaloes in that area.大量涌来的猎人捕杀掉了那个地区里的大部分野牛。
This fever has been killing off many of the older people in the city.城里许多上了岁数的人染上了这种热病后,相继而亡。
The factory dumped wastes into the river and killed off the fish.这家工厂把有毒的废物倾入河中,把河里的鱼全都毒死了。
The low price they asked killed their competition off.他们索价低廉,使别人无法和他们竞争。
Changed circumstances killed these projects off.形势的变化打消了这些计划。
The president suggested a new law to Congress but many members of Congress were against the idea and they killed it off.总统建议立一个新法,但由于很多国会议员反对,因此落空了。
The trees were killed off by the severe winter.在严寒的冬天,这些树相继被冻死。
In this play, all the characters except one get killed off by the last act, so that we know which one is the murderer.这出剧到最后一场时,除一个人外,其余的先后都被杀死了,所以我们明白了谁是凶手。近义词 slayfinishdeadenweaken反义词 save救spare备用的
S+~+ACareless driving kills!开车大意,危及生命!
It's easy to kill, but impossible to restore life.杀生容易,回生难。
The troops were shooting to kill.军队开枪射杀。
Handle these toxic substances carefully; they can kill.处理这些有毒物质时要特别小心,它们能使人中毒致死。
Mosquitoes kill easily when incubating.蚊子在产卵时,容易被消灭。
This kind of pigs all kill well.这种猪出肉率高。
S+~+ n./pron.He killed the enemy.他杀死了那个敌人。
He killed a robber in self-defence.自卫中,他打死了一个强盗。
We have killed all the invaders on the spot.我们已把入侵之敌就地全部杀光。
I was determined to finish even if it killed me.即使搭上我的命,我也下决心把事情干完。
Car accidents kill thousands of Americans every year.车祸每年使成千上万美国人死亡。
Your dog is going to kill that cat in a minute.你家的狗快把那只猫咬死了。
My mother will kill me when she finds out where I've been.我母亲要是知道我去过那地方,非把我宰了不可。
The boss will kill me if she finds out about this!如果老板发现这件事,她一定会对我发火的!
His jokes killed me.他的笑话使我捧腹大笑。
The long hike killed me.这次长途跋涉把我累死了。
Overwork killed him.他工作过度,劳累致死。
My feet are killing me.我的脚疼得很厉害。
It kills him to admit he is wrong.要他认错使他感到极为尴尬。
Cold weather killed most of the plants in their garden.寒冷的天气把他们花园里的大部分花草都冻死了。
The frost killed the flowers.霜使花枯萎了。
With his remark he killed further conversation.他这么一说,就把进一步交谈扼杀了。
The heavy downpour killed our hope of getting home before midnight.倾盆大雨使我们午夜之前到家的希望破灭了。
That mistake has killed his chances.那个错误已使他失去了机会。
They have the right to kill a bill in Parliament.他们有权使法案在国会上不能通过。
Why did he kill this proposal?他为什么否决这项建议?
Patrick killed the engine, but the hippo sensed danger and submerged.尽管巴特瑞克把发动机停了下来,可是河马还是感到了危险而潜入水下去了。
Kill the lights.把灯关掉。
The newspaper editor killed the story.报社编辑删掉了这篇报道。
A drink of water killed the taste of the medicine.喝水消除了药的苦味。
This drug helps to kill pain.这药有助于止痛。
While waiting for the train, he killed time by reading.等火车的时候,他以读书消磨时间。
They killed an hour at the zoo.他们在动物园消磨了1小时。
One colour may kill another near it.一种颜色可能使相近的颜色显不出来。
That floral carpet kills the effect of your curtains.那块有花卉图案的地毯使你的窗帘没那么扎眼了。
She killed the bottle of wine.她喝干了这瓶酒。
His sister was killed in a car accident.他的妹妹死于车祸。
I was almost killed in the fighting.在战斗中,我差一点儿被打死。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.I will kill you a goat.我会给你杀一只羊。
She says that she will kill me that pig when I come next time.她说等我下次来的时候,她给我杀那头猪。S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./n.He killed a pig for me.他为我杀了一头猪。其他v -ing as adverb.He stopped the car suddenly, killing the motor.他突然停下汽车,把发动机熄了火。




kill与half, almost, nearly等修饰语连用时,可以表示“杀而未死,几乎杀死”。

用作动词His wife waskilledin a car accident.他的妻子在车祸中丧生。
They fumigated the room tokillthe vermin.他们用烟熏房间以杀死害虫。
The noisekilledthe music.噪音淹没了音乐。
They have the right tokilla bill in Parliament .他们有权使法案在国会不能通过。
Swallow can help peasantskillpests.燕子能帮助农民消灭害虫。
The insecticide willkilloff the insect pests.这情形剂可消灭害虫。
My back iskillingme.我的背疼得要命。
My feet arekillingme.我的脚疼死我了!
You cannotkilltime without injuring eternity.消磨时间不可能不伤害永恒。
We played cards tokilltime until the bus came.车子来之前,我们打牌消磨时间。
Those stairskillme every time!每次那些台阶使我精疲力尽!
The heavy work almostkilledme.这重活几乎使我精疲力竭。用作名词The hunters are moving in for thekill.猎手们正在围杀猎物。
The tiger dragged itskillinto the jungle.这只老虎拖着它的猎物进了丛林。
The hunters brought theirkillback to camp.猎人把猎物带回营地。 Will this story remind us to wake up to the problem of global warming, to care for the planet before it is too late, lest some environmentalist fanatic kills us all?
这个故事会不会提醒我们意识到全球变暖问题、在局面发展到无法收拾之前关爱地球,以免某个环保狂热分子把我们全部杀掉? yeeyan

Researchers have discovered that concentrating a' cold plasma' beam on soft fruit kills off the spores which cause mould. It can keep it away for up to a week.
研究人员发现集中一束冷等离子到变软的水果上可以杀死其中导致霉变的孢子,并且这种作用可以维持一个星期。 yeeyan




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