

单词 killed
释义 killed 英kɪld美kɪldAHDkĭld 高COCA¹⁵⁸²BNC¹⁵³⁵Economist⁵⁹⁷
动词 kill:
cause to die; put to death, usually intentionally or knowinglythwart the passage ofend or extinguish by forceful meansbe fatalbe the source of great pain foroverwhelm with hilarity, pleasure, or admirationhit with so much force as to make a return impossible, in racket gameshit with great forcedeprive of lifecause the death of, without intentiondrink down entirelymark for deletion, rub off, or erasetire out completelycause to cease operatingdestroy a vitally essential quality of or inkill杀死semi-killed steel半镇静钢manganese killed steel锰镇静钢killed rubber过炼胶killed spirit焊酸,焊接用的药水…killed heat脱氧钢熔炼fully killed steel全脱氧钢silicon killed steel硅脱氧钢full killed steel镇静钢killed lime失效石灰killed vaccine杀疫苗,死菌菌苗,死…killed line断线killed steel脱氧钢measles killed vaccine灭活麻疹疫苗…killed antigen杀死的抗原be killed in action阵亡
用作形容词Big cats arekilledin this way.大猫科的动物就是这样被杀死的。
It is obvious that he waskilled.显然他是被杀死的。as in.destroyed
同义词 broken,demolished,devastated,lost,ravaged,ruined,shattered,smashed,wreckedabolished,annihilated,blasted,blighted,consumed,devoured,disintegrated,eradicated,felled,incinerated,obliterated,overwhelmedrazedsacked,totaled,wastedgutted,torn down,wiped-out
反义词 fixed,repaired,sober,successfulintact,protected,restored,savedas in.executed
同义词 beheaded crucified electrocuted,fried,garroted,gassedguillotined hangedshotas in.fallen
同义词 lost,perished,slain,slaughteredcasualty
反义词 honorable,honored,laudedas in.slain
同义词 murderedassassinateddeadas in.undone
同义词 destroyed,sunkdone for,in trouble,washed-up,wiped-outas in.casualty
同义词 dead,fatality,injured,loss,woundedprey,suffererdeath toll,missing
casualtynoun victim
dead,death toll,fatality,injured,loss,missing,prey,sufferer,wounded
destroyedadjective ruined
abolished,annihilated,blasted,blighted,broken,consumed,demolished,devastated,devoured,disintegrated,eradicated,felled,gutted,incinerated,killed,lost,obliterated,overwhelmed,ravagedrazedruined,sacked,shattered,smashed,torn down,totaled,wasted,wiped-out,wrecked
executedadjective formally put to death
beheaded crucified electrocutedfried,garroted,gassedguillotined hangedkilled,shot
fallenadjective dead
slainadjective slaughtered
undoneadjective ruined
destroyed,done for,in trouble,killed,sunk,washed-up,wiped-out After he killed all those who might have harmed him because they were unhappy with the situation, he strengthened his power by instituting new civil and military institutions.
在杀害了所有那些由于不满现状也许会对他造成伤害的人以后,他组建了新的民事与军事机构,增强了自己的力量。 yeeyan

But on the street, three people in one day begged this correspondent not to quote them for fear of being killed by police, then whispered a bitter litany of complaints.
但是在大街上,一天当中有三个人因为害怕被警察杀害,乞求本记者不要提到他们;然后,他们小声地诉苦抱怨了一番。 ecocn

I do write every day, but not about the characters born in my imagination, who have accidentally killed a tramp or crashed a car, only to disappear into oblivion.
我的确每天在写,但不是我脑中想象中的人物,那些偶然地杀害了一个流浪汉或撞坏一辆汽车,只能消失湮没。 yeeyan

If your flu or cold germs have not been fully killed, the congestion may return, but at least you can breath again to some extent.
如果你的流感或感冒病毒没有被完全杀死,堵塞可能还会复发,但至少在一定程度上你又可以呼吸了。 blog.sina.com.cn

The centre calculates that if this system alone were fitted to all the vehicles in Europe it would reduce the number of people killed on the roads there by almost17%.
研究中心还计算出,只要单单把这种系统应用于在欧洲行驶的所有车辆之中,那么因事故死亡的人数就有可能减少近17%。 ecocn




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