

单词 kidnapping
释义 kidnapping 英'kɪdnæpɪŋ美'kɪdnæpɪŋ 高COCA¹⁰⁶²⁶BNC¹⁸¹⁰²iWeb¹¹³²³Economist⁶⁸⁴⁶

law the unlawful act of capturing and carrying away a person against their will and holding them in false imprisonmentkidnap绑架
近义词 snatch抢夺seizure夺取capture捕获robbery抢劫abduction诱拐snatching抢夺kidnapping诱拐

用作名词The children'skidnappingcase has been solved.拐诱儿童的案子已经告破。
She appeared in court on charges ofkidnappingand assault.她因受到拐骗和侵犯人身的指控而出庭。
He did thekidnappingas a way of extorting money.他绑架的目的只是为了讹钱。
My neighbor was charged withkidnappingchildren.我的邻居被指控绑架儿童。noun.abduction
同义词 seizuretaking hostage
abductionnoun taking away by force
appropriation,rape,seizure,theft And many relatives of kidnapping victims are so intimidated by the threats they receive that they halt their investigations well before they get off the ground.
许多绑架受害者的家属被他们收到的威胁恐吓到了以至于还没来得及取得任何进展就被迫中止了他们的调查。 yeeyan

Many young men in the oil-rich Delta region have given up all hope of work. Instead they have joined an insurgency, kidnapping and stealing oil to earn a living.
许多在盛产石油的三角洲地带已经放弃了所有工作的希望,相反,他们加入了叛乱行动、绑架并依靠偷窃原油来谋生。 ecocn

Some cultures however decided to skip all this romantic crap and go from the“total strangers” phase straight to marriage in one messed- up leap of criminal activity: kidnapping the bride.
然而,有些文化风俗决定跳过所有这些浪漫的狗屁玩意,通过犯罪行为——绑架新娘来完成从“素不相识”直接胡乱跳到结婚这一步。 yeeyan




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