

单词 kidder
释义 kid·der 英kɪd美kɪd 高COCA³⁰⁸⁹⁴BNC⁵⁹²⁹³
C小孩; 年轻人

a child; a young person

CU小山羊; 小山羊皮

leather made from the skin of young goat

vt. 欺骗,开玩笑

deceive sb, especially playfully; joke

a young person of either sex;

she writes books for children

they're just kids

`tiddler' is a British term for youngster

soft smooth leather from the hide of a young goat;

kid gloves

English dramatist 1558-1594a human offspring son or daughter of any age;

they had three children

they were able to send their kids to college

young goat
tell false information to for fun;

Are you pulling my leg?

be silly or tease one another;

After we relaxed, we just kidded around

用作名词 n.
形容词+~many kids许多儿童young kids小山羊名词+~college kids大学生school kids小学生用作动词 v.~+副词kid around戏弄,耍笑kid on欺骗kid up哄骗~+介词kid about拿…取乐kid sb about his odd clothes取笑某人古怪的服装kid sb about his paunch拿某人的大肚子开玩笑kid into骗…相信
kid about v.+prep.

拿某人的…开玩笑 joke sb

kid sb about sthHe kidded her about her freckles.他拿她的雀斑开玩笑。
Don't kid him about his odd clothes.别拿他的古怪装束开玩笑。
He always kids him about his paunch.他总拿他的大肚子开玩笑。
kid around v.+adv.

戏弄,耍笑 deceive in a playful manner; play the fool

kid aroundDon't take any notice of him, he's just kidding around.别理他,他是在耍笑人呢。
kid into v.+prep.

骗…相信… fool sb and make one believe sth

kid sb into sth/v-ingJack tried to kid us into believing his story.杰克试图欺骗我们使我们相信他的故事。
kid on〔up〕 v.+adv.

欺骗,哄骗 deceive (sb as a joke)

kid sb ⇔ on〔up〕I don't believe you, you're just trying to kid me on.我不会相信你的,你只是想骗我。
Don't believe him, he is only kidding you up.别相信他,他只不过是在跟你开玩笑。近义词 childn. babyyoungsteryoung goat反义词 grown-upn. adult
用作名词n.Tell that kid to stop making so much noise.告诉那孩子小点声。
Will you take care of my kids while I'm cooking?我做饭的时候,你帮我看看孩子好吗?
Hi! kid! What's up?唉!朋友,怎么回事?
Seen the new kid?看到那个新娘了吗?
He is a kid professor.他是一位年轻的教授。
The kids were kept in the small corral.羊羔圈养在小畜栏里。
The gloves were made of kid.那手套是用小山羊皮做的。用作动词v.
S+~+AIt's true, no kidding.真的,我不骗你。
You are kidding.你在骗人。
He is not really angry, he's only kidding.他不是真的恼火,他不过是在开玩笑。
He's not really hurt; he's only kidding.他并没有真正伤感情,只不过是开个玩笑。
S+~+ n./pron.I am not kidding you.我不是在骗你。
You must be kidding me!你肯定在骗人。
Don't kid me,I know you're not telling the truth.别哄我,我知道你没说真话。
You are kidding yourself.你是在自欺欺人。
S+~+ n./pron. +that-clauseShe kidded them that her father was an admiral.她骗他们说她的父亲是位海军上将。
You shouldn't kid yourself that it is true.你不应该把那当成真的来欺骗自己。


在口语中, the new kid有时可指新娘。


kid的基本意思是善意地“开玩笑”“取笑”; 也可表示对容易上当者进行无恶意的欺骗; 接反身代词作宾语时意为“自欺欺人”。

kid可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语。接反身代词作宾语时还可再接一个由that引导的宾语从句, that有时可省略。


Half thekidsround here are unemployed.这里的年轻人有一半失业。用作不及物动词You'rekidding!你在开玩笑吧!用作及物动词Jack tried to kid us into believing his story .杰克试图欺骗我们使我们相信他的故事。
He used to kid with me about buying those fake antiques.他过去经常取笑我买那些假古董。用作形容词as in.joker
同义词 actor,banana,buffoon,card,clown,comedian,comic,fool,gagster,humorist,jester,jokester,prankster,punster,stooge,trickster,wag,witcutup,farceur,funster,jokesmith,josher,life of the party,quipster,second banana,stand-up comic,straight person,top banana,wisecrackeras in.jokester
同义词 jester,prankster,tricksteractor,banana,buffoon,card,clown,comedian,comic,fool,gagster,humorist,punster,stooge,wag,wit,zanycutup,farceur,funnyman,funster,jokesmith,josher,life of the party,quipster,second banana,stand-up comic,straight person,top banana,wisecrackeras in.quipster
同义词 actor,banana,buffoon,card,clown,comedian,comic,cutup,farceur,funnyman,funster,gagster,humorist,jester,jokesmith,jokester,josher,life of the party,prankster,punster,second banana,stand-up comic,straight person,top banana,trickster,wag,wisecracker,wit,zanyas in.wag
同义词 card,clown,comedian,comic,humorist,jester,joker,jokester,kibitzer,prankster,punster,show-off,trickster,wit,zanya million laughs,cutup,farceur,funny person,funster,life of the party,quipster,wisecracker
jokernoun person who kids, teases
actor,banana,buffoon,card,clown,comedian,comic,cutup,farceur,fool,funster,gagster,humorist,jester,jokesmith,jokester,josher,life of the party,prankster,punster,quipster,second banana,stand-up comic,stooge,straight person,top banana,trickster,wag,wisecracker,wit
jokesternoun joker
actor,banana,buffoon,card,clown,comedian,comic,cutup,farceur,fool,funnyman,funster,gagster,humorist,jester,jokesmith,josher,kidder,life of the party,prankster,punster,quipster,second banana,stand-up comic,stooge,straight person,top banana,trickster,wag,wisecracker,wit,zany
quipsternoun joker
actor,banana,buffoon,card,clown,comedian,comic,cutup,farceur,funnyman,funster,gagster,humorist,jester,jokesmith,jokester,josher,kidder,life of the party,prankster,punster,second banana,stand-up comic,straight person,top banana,trickster,wag,wisecracker,wit,zany
wagnoun person who is very funny
a million laughs,card,clown,comedian,comic,cutup,farceur,funny person,funster,humorist,jester,joker,jokester,kibitzer,kidder,life of the party,prankster,punster,quipster,show-off,trickster,wisecracker,wit,zany Mr. Kidder skillfully records the human drama, and, ultimately, the magic that motivated a team of engineers at Data General Corp. in the 1970s to develop a new generation of computer.
基德很好地记录了人类的这些因素,这也是上世纪70年代最终激励了 Data General Corp.一个工程师团队开发出新一代电脑的魔力。 hjenglish




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