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词汇 Kibaki
释义 KibakiEconomist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
Mr. Kibaki was the candidate of an alliance of opposition groups called the National Rainbow Coalition.

On Monday this week, President Kibaki declared the drought in various parts of the country a national disaster.
这周三,总统 Kibaki宣称干旱在国家各地发生,已是全国性灾难。 gounahaozi

The Orange strategy is to continue unsettling the markets with calls for mass actions and boycotts of companies in which Mr Kibaki's backers have a stake.
橙色民主运动的策略则是继续通过群众闹事与联合抵制齐贝吉支持者拥有股份的公司与企业,从而达到搅乱市场的目的。 ecocn

After Mr. Obama won the U.S. presidential election, Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki announced the following day as a national holiday.
当奥巴马总统赢得美国总统选举时,肯尼亚总统齐贝吉宣布第二天为国定假日。 ebigear

Both candidates have flaws: Mr Kibaki's departure is overdue, but the more energetic Mr Odinga's campaign carries a divisive flavour.
两位候选人都有不足:齐贝吉早该离职了,但更有活力的奥廷加的竞选带有分裂色彩。 ecocn

But heeding disagreeable election results is for wimps, judging by the attitude of Kenya’s Mwai Kibaki or Zimbabwe’s Mr Mugabe.
但是,留意那些让人不快的选举结果是为了认识这些懦夫,看看肯尼亚姆瓦伊•齐贝齐或津巴布韦的穆加贝的态度就知道了。 ecocn

But Mr Kibaki is not yet home and dry.
但是齐贝吉总统还没有大功告成。 ecocn

First, though President Kibaki, soon to turn79 and due to retire in 2012, also campaigned for the new constitution, its endorsement was seen as an achievement for Mr Odinga.
首先,虽说奇巴齐总统现已将近79岁,且预计于2012年退位,他仍然为新宪法进行游说活动,而新宪法的通过则被看做是奥丁加先生的一大成就。 ecocn

In any event, nearly all Luos still want Mr Kibaki forced from office.
无论如何,几乎所有的卢奥人仍想要齐贝吉总统被强制赶下台。 ecocn

In other parts of the country, especially in the Kikuyu heartlands, Mr Kibaki's backers have treated Luos with similar harshness.
在肯尼亚其它地区,特别是在基库尤民族的中心地带,齐贝吉总统的支持者对卢奥人也采取了同样的残暴措施。 ecocn

Kenya erupted in riots and ethnic killings after President Mwai Kibaki was proclaimed the winner of the late 2007 presidential election.

Later the same day, however, as The Economist went to press, Messrs Kibaki and Odinga were due to meet for the first time since the election.
然而,之后在同一天,正如《经济学人》杂志所写下的那样,齐贝吉总统与奥廷加先生预计会进行一次会谈——自选举以来双方的第一次会谈。 ecocn

Later the same day Mr Kibaki said, for the first time, that he was willing to talk to the opposition“ once the nation is calm”.
后来在同一天,奇贝吉讲道,“只要能够保证国泰民安”,他很乐意与反对党展开谈话——这是他第一次这样发言。 ecocn

Mr Kibaki, as a seasoned political operator, has the usual full range of ethnic groups represented in his cabinet.
奇吧奇总统作为一位久经杀场的政治行家,他按惯例将其内阁中安置了涉及所有部落团体的议会代表。 ecocn

Mr Kibaki may find excuses for refusing to give up one of his allies.
齐贝吉先生可能会找到拒绝放弃其盟友的借口。 ecocn

Odinga lost the election to Mr. Kibaki by a narrow margin in the disputed vote.
奥廷加在这次引起争议的选举中以微小的差距败给齐贝吉总统。 voanews

Oranges won95 of the210 contested seats, more than twice as many as Mr Kibaki's Party of National Unity;
橙色民主运动赢得了210个竞争席位中的95个,比齐贝吉的国家统一党多一倍; topsage

Other tribes, such as the Kisii6% of the total have been divided, though most of them voted against Mr Kibaki.
其它民族则是分裂的,如占有全国人口6%的奇斯民族,尽管他们中大部分不会投选齐贝吉总统。 ecocn

With China to fall back on, Mr Kibaki may feel better able to cling on to power and withstand any Western threats to impose sanctions or suspend aid.
有中国做后盾,齐贝吉先生可能感觉更加能把握政权并抵制西方制裁或暂停援助的威胁。 ecocn

Within a few years the brave man, John Githongo, is betrayed by the president, Mwai Kibaki, and by most of the big man’s closest colleagues, many of whom prove themselves to be patently corrupt.
未过数年,这位大人物及其多数亲信接连背叛了英勇的 John Githongo,事后证明,总统身边的这些同僚显然也是一群贪官污吏。 ecocn

Kibaki said that over the past year, bilateral relations have witnessed sound progress.




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