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词汇 kiangsi
释义 kiangsi
江西; 见Jiangxi
A new species of Rhododendron from Kiangsi.

And, again, we divided our forces in the counties of southern Kiangsi last April and May, and in the counties of western Fukien last July.

And thirdly, unlike Kwangtung which is close to Hongkong and under British control in almost every respect, Kiangsi is comparatively remote from imperialist influence.
三是距离帝国主义的影响比较远一点,不比广东接近香港,差不多什么都受英国的支配。 iciba

As our men were marching back to the Chingkang Mountains via Chungyi and Shangyu, the enemy force from southern Kiangsi, the Independent7th Division under Liu Shih-yi, pursued us as far as Suichuan.
我军经崇义、上犹向井冈山回军之际,赣南敌军独立第七师刘士毅部追至遂川。 hotdic

Our regime tended to exert an ever- growing influence on Hunan and Kiangsi.
此割据对湘赣两省的影响,则有日益扩大之势。 hotdic

Our work in the Hunan- Kiangsi border area began in October last year.
湘赣边界的工作,从去年十月做起。 dictall

The area stretching from northern Kwangtung along the Hunan- Kiangsi border into southern Hupeh lies entirely within the Lohsiao mountain range.
广东北部沿湖南江西两省边界至湖北南部,都属罗霄山脉区域。 dictall

The Lohsiao mountain range is a large range running along the borders of Kiangsi and Hunan Provinces. The Chingkang Mountains are in its middle section.
罗霄山脉是江西、湖南两省边界的大山脉,井冈山位于罗霄山脉的中段。 hotdic

This army, which had fought the Red Army in Kiangsi, was transferred to Shanghai after the September 18th Incident.

After a time the enemy was baying across all south Kiangsi, hunting for the elusive Reds.
不久以后,敌人就在赣南到处追逐行踪不定的红军。 tdict

As for moving to eastern Hunan, it was certainly inadvisable for the main forces of the Red Army to do so unless there was a split among the ruling landlords of Hunan, Hupeh and Kiangsi Provinces.
至于往湘东,在湘鄂赣三省豪绅政权尚未分裂之前,亦决不宜用红军的主力去。 hotdic

As to the subjective and objective conditions in Kiangsi, they well deserve our attention.
至于江西的主观客观条件是很值得注意的。 hotdic

At other times, it should be fixed in the rear section of the base area, as in our third counter- campaign in Kiangsi.
有时则在根据地的后部,例如江西第三次反“围剿”时。 iciba

At times it should be in the middle section of the base area, as in our first counter- campaign in Kiangsi.
有时须在根据地的中部,例如江西第一次反“围剿”时。 hotdic

Changkang Township is in Hsingkuo County, Kiangsi Province.
长冈乡是江西省兴国县的一个乡。 hotdic

Extend the influence of the agrarian revolution and of the people's political power in the border area to the lower reaches of the rivers in Hunan and Kiangsi and as far as Hupeh;
使边界土地革命和民众政权的影响远及于湘赣两省的下游乃至于湖北; hotdic

For unless we had been convinced that there would soon be a high tide of revolution, we could not possibly have concluded that we could take Kiangsi in a year.
因为如果不相信革命高潮快要到来,便决不能得到一年争取江西的结论。 jukuu

In Kiangsi they had attacked the Red Army, but later in Shanghai they fought the Japanese imperialists;
他们在江西,向红军进攻;到了上海,又抵抗日本帝国主义; hotdic

Such work was first undertaken in the Fukien-Chekiang- Kiangsi border area and was started in the Central Area in the spring of1933.
这一工作,闽浙赣边区方面实行得较早,中央区则开始于一九三三年的春季。 iciba

The enemy division under Liu Ho-ting was far away in Chienning in the White area of Fukien, and was unlikely to cross into Kiangsi.
敌军刘和鼎师远在福建白区的建宁,不一定越入江西。 iciba

The most striking example of the loss of a base area was that of the Central Base Area in Kiangsi during the fifth counter-campaign against “ encirclement and suppression”.
丧失根据地的最显著的例子,是在反对第五次“围剿”中丧失了江西中央根据地。 iciba

The settlers, numbering several millions, live in a zone extending from the Fukien-Kwangtung border all the way along the Hunan- Kiangsi border to southern Hupeh.

The vanguard, about90,000 men of the First Front Army, left Kiangsi Province in the south in1934.

Their wrong ideas were the root cause of the defeats sustained last August by the Hunan- Kiangsi border area and by the Fourth Red Army in southern Hunan.
他们的这种错误意见,就是今年八月湘赣边界失败以及同时红军第四军在湘南失败的根本原因。 dictall

We are not clear about the situation in Chekiang, but the Party's organizational and mass base is somewhat better in Kiangsi and Fukien than in Hunan.
除浙江情况我们不大明了外,江西福建两省党和群众的基础,都比湖南好些。 hotdic

Kiangsi has no provincial troops of its own and has always been garrisoned by troops from other provinces.
江西没有本省的军队,向来都是外省军队来此驻防。 kdhj-edu




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