释义 |
Khim 基本例句 金¹⁰⁰ KORNEVA L V,ARDONIN Y A,OLERSKII V M. Removal of Chlorobenzene from waste waters by the reverse osmosis method ;.KhimProm-st,1876, :21.冯伟民,胡家骏.反渗透法分离水中苯和氯苯类化合物;.;中国环境科学,1989,9:137 OngKhimKiat, CEO Sellery Inc. California USA. Products or Services: International Trade Business Interests Looking for exclusive agent of USA products in China.美国国际贸易公司合作意向欲在中国寻求美国各类品牌商品的独家代理商。 Choe, S., Chang, Y. Y., Hwang, K. Y.,Khim, J., “Kinetics of Reductive Denitrifcation by Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron”, Chemosphere, Vol. 41, pp. 1307-1311, .陈芳吟、林耀东、谢文彬,“奈米级零价铁处理染整废水之可行性讨探”,第三届环境保护与奈米科技学术研讨会,。 Choe S., Chang Y. Y., Hwang K. Y., andKhimJ., Kinetics of reductive denitrification by nanoscale zero-valent iron, Chemosphere, vol.41, 2000, pp.1307-1311.张贵钱,利用奈米零价铁粉处理受铬污染水体之研究,硕士论文,元智大学化学工程研究所,桃园,2003。 For many people, the secret of a satisfying old age can be combination of an active mind in a sound body.Take the case of my good friend ChowKhimChew who is in his early fifties.四十多岁是人生的中途,五十岁是下半生的开始,精神及体力已大不如前,然而智慧及财力则有过之而无不及。 |