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kg. 基本英英搭配近义反义例句例句 n.千克
Noun: one thousand grams; the basic unit of mass adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites;a kilogram is approximately 2.2 pounds kg cal.=kilogram …kg/ha=kilograms…K.G.=Knight of…kg/hl=kilograms…kg-f=kilogram-…kg/hr.=kilograms…kg/cm=kilograms…kg.千克J/kg=joules pe…kg千克=kilogr… 近义词 kilo表示“千”kilogram千克
名词100% Luggage in excess of 100kgwill be charged extra.超过100公斤的行李要额外收费。 A40 kg sewer lid can be sold on the black market for roughly6 euros4 pounds, Goffaux said. 戈福说,目前,黑市上一块重达40公斤的下水道井盖可以卖到大约6欧元。 for68 The average such emissions from a new car fell to 152.3g per kg in the first half of this year. 截至今年上半年为止,平均每辆小型新车的排放量为每公斤152.3克。 yeeyan But with the brain only weighing in at3 pounds1.4 kg, you could be forgiven for wondering if neuroscientists are just big slackers. 但是认识到大脑的重量仅有3磅(1.4千克,你就可以原谅大家的疑虑,是不是脑神经科学家太懒惰了。 yeeyan But not all have been under the threshold of500 becquerels per kg. 但并不是所有样品的放射量都在每公斤500贝克的门槛之下。 yeeyan By the way, it is important not to forget that the balloon weighs about2 kg and this weight has also to be lifted. 顺便说一下,不要忘记气球本身的重量,气球重2千克,这部分重量也是要被提升的。 yeeyan Each of them weighs56 kg! 它们每个重达56公斤! yeeyan In 1919 while serving a compulsory stint in the military, Nurmi entered a20-k march carrying a rifle, a cartridge belt and a knapsack filled with5 kg of sand. 1919年,当他在军中服义务役的时候,努尔米带着一支步枪,腰上系着弹带,背上背着装有5公斤沙子的背包参加20公里行军。 ebigear In1920, despite population growth of 2.4 times the per capita share of grain remains in1000 kg. 到了1920年,尽管人口增长了2.4倍,人均粮食占有量仍保持在1000公斤以上。 yeeyan Sugar was rationed to1 kg. per family. 每户供应一公斤白糖。《21世纪大英汉词典》 The boss asked how much per kg? 老板问他每公斤多少钱? ebigear The Afghan national sport of buzhkashi is played between two teams of horsemen competing to throw a beheaded30- kg66 lb calf, goat, or sheep into a scoring circle. 这是阿富汗全国性体育比赛项目,比赛中双方的骑手必须把抢到的牲口,一个被砍去头的约30公斤66磅重的小牛、山羊或绵羊抛进得分圈。 yeeyan The attack on the two- vehicle convoy took place on a main road in an area where many Western diplomats live and involved50 kg110 pounds of explosives, police said. 警方表示,针对这两辆护送车队的袭击发生在一条主道上,主道所在的区域居住着许多西方外交官员,而此次袭击的炸药多达50公斤110磅。 yeeyan The rats were fed12.5 grams of fructose per kg2.2 pounds of weight every day for a year. 在一年的时间里,这些老鼠每天按每千克2.2磅体重12.5克的标准摄取果糖。 foodmate The standard weight for a child of Ding's age and height should be30 kg, so she has a serious weight problem. 对于小薇年纪和身高的标准体重应该30公斤,所以她存在严重的超重问题。 yeeyan Their wedding ceremony included eight newlywed couples, and all eight brides were at least 75 kg. 他们的婚礼上还包括其他八对新人,八个新郎的体重都不低于75公斤。 putclub There are illegal immigrants on the loose in the Midwest. Originally hailing from Asia, they're about3 ft. 90 cm long and weigh up to100 lb. 45 kg, and are known to resist capture. 一群逍遥法外的非法移民来到了美国中西部,他们来自亚洲,长约3英尺90厘米,重约达100磅45千克,并且拒绝被逮捕。 yeeyan This can cut3.5 kg almost8 lb of weight gain each year. 注意这点,每年可以减掉3.5公斤近8磅体重。 yeeyan To effectively combat such malnutrition and under- nourishment,20 g of animal protein per person per day or7.3 kg per year should be provided. 为了有效地战胜这类营养不良和营养不足,每人每天需要20克的动物蛋白或每年7.3公斤动物蛋白。 fao To fill this niche, the CAMCOPTER S-100 now can carry up to80 kg176 lbs of external under- slung load. 为了满足需求,CAMCOPTER S-100无人机现在可以采用外部副吊挂携带80公斤176磅货物。 www.etiri.com.cn Wearing a monogrammed red winter jacket, Putin stroked the230- kg bear and shook its paw, saying“ Be healthy”. 普京身穿红色冬衣,轻轻抚摸了这头重达230公斤的北极熊,并在和它“握手”后对其说“要健康哦”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Weighing around100 kg, these full- scale decoys can be easily transported and installed by small teams of soldiers in minutes. 这些同尺寸武器模型重约100千克,只需少数士兵在数分钟内即可完成运输和组装。 www.chinadaily.com.cn When startled, the fish launch themselves out of the water, turning into40- lb. 18 kg projectiles that could easily smash an unwary fisherman's nose. 它们受惊吓时会猛地跃出水面,不小心的渔夫有可能被这枝40磅18千克中的投掷物砸碎鼻子。 yeeyan When the scientists found the bear again, two months later, she weighed just177 kg390 lbs and was not lactating; the yearling was nowhere to be seen. 当两个月后,研究者再次发现这只母熊的时候,她的体重已降至177公斤390磅,而且不再分泌乳汁;小北极熊则已经不知所踪。 yeeyan WHO has despatched a further500 kg of personal protective equipment and other supplies to assist in the immediate improvement of infection control in hospitals and the protection of front-line staff. 世卫组织已进一步发送500公斤个人防护设备和其它用品以帮助立即改进医院中的感染控制和保护第一线工作人员。 who |