释义 |
Kerian 基本例句 n.高烟在马来西亚;东经 100º40' 北纬 5º00' The man is recovering at the Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital HUSM in KubangKerianafter an operation to re-attach the organ.这名男子在经过重新接合该器官的手术后,目前正在古邦阁亮的马来西亚理科大学医院休养。 Sharmila, 34, said she was shocked to find out from the EC website that she is registered as a voter in KubangKerian, Kelantan, when she has never been there.莎米拉稍后向媒体表示,她从未到过吉兰丹,也从未在吉兰丹居住,不知为何自己的名字会出现在吉兰丹州的选民名单中。 |