

单词 kerb
释义 kerb 英kɜːb美kɝbAHDkûrb ★☆☆☆☆高COCA⁸²²⁰⁸BNC¹⁶⁷⁷⁴iWeb²¹³⁴⁷Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
an edge between a sidewalk and a roadway consisting of a line of curbstones usually forming part of a gutter来自curb拼写变体。来自原始印欧语*sker,弯,转,围,词源同curve, ring。引申词义马路牙子。kerb-crawling路边慢驶招妓kerb,路边,crawl,爬,慢驶。比喻用法。 curb来自原始印欧语*sker,转,弯,围,词源同ring, curve。 curve来自原始印欧语*sker,弯,转,词源同ring, curly。 ring来自古英语hring,圆环,戒指,圆形物。来自原始日耳曼语*hringaz,弯曲物,圆形物。来自原始印欧语*skrengh, sker,弯,转,词源同scoliosis, curve, crib。引申诸相关词义。拟声词。 kerb来自curb拼写变体。来自原始印欧语*sker,弯,转,围,词源同curve, ring。引申词义马路牙子。kerb-crawling路边慢驶招妓kerb,路边,crawl,爬,慢驶。比喻用法。 kerb来自curb拼写变体。来自原始印欧语*sker,弯,转,围,词源同curve, ring。引申词义马路牙子。kerb-crawling路边慢驶招妓kerb,路边,crawl,爬,慢驶。比喻用法。 crawl词源同creep。kerb crawler为寻找娼妓…kerb market场外证券市场…kerb weight美:curb we…kerb transaction场外交易kerb lane外侧车道kerb drill横过马路的安全规则…kerb-crawling路边求欢者kerb merchant街头小贩kerb curb market场外证券市场…on the kerb场外交易
近义词 curb路边curbing边石

用作名词He hit his forehead againstkerbwhen he fell.他跌倒时,前颚撞在了道路的边石上。
In the fog he felt for thekerbwith his walkingstick.他在雾中用手杖试探路边的镶边石。
The car drew up alongside thekerb.小汽车在路边停下来。
Don't cling to thekerbwhen you're driving.不要紧贴路边开车。 The car's tyres grazed(against the kerb.
汽车轮胎蹭到路边石。 chinafanyi.com

He hit his forehead against the kerb when he fell.

He glanced around and recognized an old lady waiting by the kerb side and went over to greet her.
他四处扫视,认出了一个在路缘旁边等人的老年妇女,走过去问候她。 iciba

How should we know? It's not our kerb, it presumably belongs to the council.
我们怎么知道怎么做,那又不是我们的路边石,它们可能属于居委会吧。 yeeyan

In the fog he felt for the kerb with his walking stick.
浓雾中他用手杖探摸着路边镶边石。 tingroom

In the fog the man felt for the kerb with his walking- stick.
这人在雾中用手杖探着马路边石。 hotdic

Military vehicles used to zigzag aggressively, spread out across the lanes to prevent cars from overtaking and push unwary drivers onto the kerb.
军队的车辆总是习惯于强行地开来开去,防止汽车抢道,把粗心的司机挤到路边。 blog.sina.com.cn

Our so-called buyer wants to know if we've got written evidence of permission for the kerb outside our house to be lowered.
我们所谓的房屋买家让我们写下书面允许,确保他们可以把房子边的路边石弄平。 yeeyan

Our trading division finds cheap price or discount granite paving stones, basalt pavers and cube stones, kerb stones and curb stones for walkway and driveway.
我们的贸易部门从市场上调查并购买便宜的,或打折的花岗岩地铺石和玄武岩铺路石、方块石以及人行道和行车道的路沿石。 cheshi

Police said the car failed to negotiate a bend in the road, hit the kerb, then smashed into a telegraph pole.
警方说,这辆车没有谈判的道路弯曲,撞上了路缘,然后将一电线杆粉碎。 austepsonline

Stop at the kerb and look both ways before crossingthe road.
先站在路边看清左右再过马路。 chinabaike

' The first time I took it out one bloke nearly fell off the kerb and into the gutter when he saw it, ' he said.
“我第一次把这辆车开出来的时候,看见的一个家伙差点从边上摔进水沟了,”他说。 yeeyan

The expression comes from trading literally taking place on the kerb outside the stock exchange.
此英文词组源于在证券交易所外的马路边进行交易。 glossary.reuters.com.cn




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