

单词 kept track
释义 kept track短语⁵²⁸¹⁷
All the while, the dark mage kept track of each passing second.
从始至终,黑巫师对过去的每一秒钟了然于心。 iciba

The researchers even kept track of whether the males ejaculated.
他们甚至记录了雄鼠是否射精。 yeeyan

The simulator kept track of the scenarios and plotted a histogram of the investment returns along with the risk or uncertainty associated for all outcomes generated.
模拟器掌握了情境并汇出投资回报的柱状图,以及与所有生成的结果相关联的风险或不确定度。 ibm

During the resulting rescue mission, Dofine kept track of the Jedi intruders' progress, activating the ray shields that captured the heroes.
在随后的营救行动中,多法因留意着绝地闯入者的行进路线。他及时开启能量护盾抓住了那几位英雄。 starwarsfans.cn

During the mill supervision, the variation of pipe quality should be kept track of at all times.
在驻厂监造过程中,要随时掌握和追踪钢管质量的变动情况。 chemyq

He’d rather not have had a neighbor of any kind, but especially one who kept track of his comings and goings.
他不希望与任何人作邻居,尤其不希望与知道他行踪的人作邻居。 yeeyan

If the system kept track of the most recent response's time- to- live duration then it would not have to operate all of the service to determine the most previously cached response.
如果系统记录了最近大多数响应的 time- to- live期限,那么它将不必操作所有的服务,来产生大多数先前已经缓存的响应。 infoq

She kept track of all of Michael's shots and his 50 daily pills in a notebook she'd placed in the dining room, next to his old dorm fridge.
每一次给迈克尔打针她都记在了一个笔记本上。她把笔记本放在了餐厅挨着迈克尔以前宿舍里用的冰箱旁边。 yeeyan

The nurse kept track of the patient's temperature.

The algorithm also kept track of which numerals belonged to which person and whose handwriting was more similar or distinct.
通过算法,还进一步记下这些数字相应的书写者以及笔迹较相似或更为不同的人士。 ebigear

Then they exposed the subjects to the virus, quarantined them for five days and kept track of who got sick.
然后让这些研究对象接触感冒病毒,隔离5天之后,看看哪些人患上了感冒。 ebigear




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