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Kenyans ˈkenjənz Economist¹³¹⁰⁶ 基本例句 肯尼亚人¹⁰⁰原型kenyan的复数 Lagat says he understands that some Kenyans might be upset about his move to the U.S. team, but he has no regrets. 他说,虽然有些肯尼亚人可能会因为他转而代表美国队感到不满,但是他本人无怨无悔。 ebigear The government insists all complaints about the election should be addressed through the courts, which is perceived by many Kenyans as being biased toward the government. 肯尼亚政府坚持说,所有关于选举的不满都应该通过法庭解决。 而许多肯尼亚人认为,法庭会偏向政府一边。 www.voanews.com.cn The Government of Kenya is strongly committed to achieving improved and equitable health outcomes for all Kenyans, particularly women and children. 肯尼亚政府坚决要使所有肯尼亚人,特别是妇女和儿童,获得更好的和公平的健康结果。 who The outcome of the elections was not acceptable not only to the opposition, but also to a majority of Kenyans because now, even people who voted for Kibaki feel very unhappy about what has happened. 这次选举的结果不但反对党不能接受,对大多数肯尼亚人民也是同样无法接受。因为现在,即使是当初投票给齐贝吉的人民,也因为已经发生的事件而觉得非常不高兴。 voanews And the country’s tiny middle class fears being swamped in a common market by better-qualified Kenyans and Ugandans. 同时这个国家的弱小的中产阶层害怕在共同市场中被更有竞争力的肯尼亚人和乌干达人击溃。 ecocn But it will not be easy for a“ coalition of the accused” to fend off the international court, of which most Kenyans still approve. 但“被告联盟”想要逼退国际法庭并非一件易事,更别说大多数肯尼亚人民还支持着国际法庭。 ecocn But Kenyans may not stand for this. 但是肯尼亚人可能忍受不了这些。 ecocn Corruption is still built into a system of patronage and ethnic share-outs that invariably leaves the mass of poor Kenyans feeling let down. 腐败仍渗透于国家的任命制度与各民族职位的平均分配中,这样就让众多的贫穷肯尼亚人感到失望。 ecocn Currently fewer than one-in- five Kenyans has access to electricity but demand is rising quickly, particularly in rural areas and from businesses. 目前有不到五分之一的肯尼亚人已经用上了电,但需求还在快速增长,尤其是农村地区和企业。 yeeyan Many Kenyans fear that the anger of such people could boil over again in2012. 许多肯尼亚担心,这些人的愤怒在2012能够再次掀起一次暴力狂潮。 ecocn Many Kenyans think you have to cheat to survive. After all, the wages of the poor are tiny. 许多肯尼亚人也都认为他们只有通过欺骗才能生存,毕竟穷人的工资实在太低。 ecocn More than six- in- ten among both Kenyans66% and Nigerians64% think that China’s growing military strength is a good thing for their country. 超过六成肯尼亚66%被访者和尼日利亚64%被访者认为,中国的军事实力增长对该国是件好事。 yeeyan Most Kenyans seem to trust the court. 大多数肯尼亚人似乎信任法院。 ecocn Tanzania has usually been the one to put the brakes on the EAC, fearing it will be overrun with land speculators and better- educated Kenyans and Ugandans. 通常坦桑尼亚是 EAC进展的减速器,因为担心共同体会让它被土地投机者和教育更好的肯尼亚人和乌干达人所控制。 ecocn The new deal will also let Kenyans be dual citizens. 新的土地协议将让肯尼亚人成为双重公民。 ecocn The officer said the group included British citizens, Kenyans and an American. 这位警官称,被捕者包括英国公民,肯尼亚人和一名美国人。 hxen The decision was popular with ordinary Kenyans, who felt uncomfortable with the role their country was being asked to play. 该决议收到肯尼亚民众的普遍支持,他们觉得对肯尼亚现在扮演的角色很不满意。 ecocn The government is not sensitive to the cries of Kenyans. 这个政府不认真对待肯尼亚人民的呼声。 voanews Their supporters aimed to stir up tribal animosity against the court— in vain, since ordinary Kenyans still seem to back it. 他们的支持者们打算煽动国人仇视法庭——这是徒劳的,因为肯尼亚普通民众似乎仍然支持指控。 ecocn Whoever wins, what matters next is that the result should be accepted by the loser and Kenyans should be seen to endorse the principle of peaceful competition. 无论谁赢得选举,接下来的事情就是,这个结果必须被失败者所接受,肯尼亚人应该认可这种和平竞争的原则。 ecocn Kenyans headed to the polls Wednesday to approve a new constitution. 周三肯尼亚人去投票站投票通过一部新宪法。 yeeyan One day, perhaps, Kenyans will vote for policies over tribe. But not, it seems, quite yet. 或许,在某天,肯尼亚人将为部落政策而投票,但现在似乎言之过早。 ecocn |