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词汇 K deficiency
释义 K deficiency
For late rice, we should pay attention to seedling and tillering stage, supply certain amount at middle stage, if soilK deficiencyis severe.对晚稻施钾来说,我们应注意苗期和分蘖期,如果土壤缺钾严重,中期供应一定数量钾肥。
Among them, there are 452 photos ofK deficiencysymptoms, 328 for B, 165 for P , 192 for N, 146 for Ca, and 236 for Mg.其中的缺钾症状图片有452幅,对硼素丰缺的反应图片有328幅、对磷素丰缺的反应图片有165幅、对氮素丰缺的反应图片有192幅、对缺钙的反应图片有146幅、缺镁的反应图片有236幅等。
Shapiro AD, et al. VitaminK deficiencyin the newborn infants. Prevalence and perinatal rish factors ;. J Pediatr 1986; 109:675.李炳照;刘美华.;婴儿维生素K缺乏致颅内出血221例综合报告;
Objective To investigate the clinical significance of atrial natriuretic peptide in delayed vitaminK deficiencychildren with intracranial hemorrhage.目的探讨迟发性维生素K缺乏性颅内出血患儿心钠素水平变化与低钠血症的关系及其临床意义。
Material and Methods:The CT appearances of 15 cases clinically confirmed involing intracranial hemorrhage caused by elayed vitaminK deficiencywere clinically confirmed.材料与方法:回顾性分析经临床确诊的15例婴儿晚发性维生素K缺乏致颅内出血的CT征象。
varieties offspring tolerant ofK deficiency耐低钾变异后代




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