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Katsuhiko 基本例句 胜彦姓,日本 The team found that the various smaller styrene units were present in the same relative quantitiesKatsuhikoSaido of Nihon University in Chiba, Japan in both the lab and in the water samples.这个团队发现:各种较小聚乙烯单元被分解为相同对应数量的颗粒在卡素西口赛一朵的实验室条件下和海水样本条件下。 4 Hiroyuki Shiba,Kazuhiro Uehara,KatsuhikoAraki;5赵永杰,樊晓桠,佟凤辉; KatsuhikoSuganuma;James Welker;著者: Mark J McLelland; Kazuyoshi Ebe *, Hideo Seno,KatsuhikoHorigome Research Laboratory, LINTEC Corporation, 5-14-42, 原始页:2008年.;所有权利保留 KatsuhikoShirasawa * Kyocera Corporation, Shiga Yohkaichi Plant, Solar Energy Division, 1166-6 Na首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容 |