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Kashmir goat 基本英英搭配例句 米什米尔山羊
Noun: Himalayan goat having a silky undercoat highly prized as cashmere woolgo at扑向 Cashmere: Animal-hair fibre forming the downy undercoat of theKashmir goat.山羊绒:构成喀什米尔山羊绒毛层的动物纤维,属于特种动物毛纤维。 Cashmere: Animal-hair fibre forming the downy undercoat of theKashmir goat.山羊绒:构成喀什米尔山羊绒毛层的动物纤维,属于特种动物毛纤维。 knotted carpet of mohair orKashmir goathair编结地毯,马海毛或克什米尔山羊毛制 knotted carpeting of mohair orKashmir goathair马海毛或克什米尔山羊毛编结的地毯料 woven cashmere fabric, contining 85% or more of combedKashmir goathair机织开土米织物,含精梳什米尔山羊毛重量达85%或85%以上不包括绒头织物和绳绒织物 fabric ofKashmir goathair, woven, containing 85% or more by weight of such carded hair机织克什米尔山羊毛织物,含此类粗梳羊毛重量达85%或85%以上不包括绒头织物和绳绒织物 |