释义 |
Karst upland 基本例句 喀斯特山地 Seeds and Their Distribution in the Soils of Karst Upland in Eastern Yunnan滇东喀斯特山地土壤种子及其分布特征 Keywordskarst upland;vegetation degradation;grade;restoration strategies;喀斯特山地;植被退化;等级;恢复策略; Vegetation Degradation and Its Restoration Strategies of Karst Upland in South-eastern Yunnan滇东喀斯特山地植被退化及其恢复对策 Water Consumption of the Seedlings of Main Adaptive Tree Species in Karst Upland in Different Seasons and Different Drought Stress Levels喀斯特山地主要适生树种幼苗耗水量季节变化及对土壤干旱的响应 |