

单词 kardashians
释义 kardashiansCOCA¹⁶⁶⁹⁸²
“ First she will shoot with the Kardashians, then we will help her break into the U. S. market, ” said Kan, the director of the Miss China program.
身为环球小姐中国赛区总策划的靳羽西说,首先她会和卡戴姐妹拍戏,然后我们会帮助她打入美国市场; chinaacc

In fact, avoid guns like Kardashians avoid work.
事实上,远离枪支就像卡戴珊 Kardashians远离工作一样。 yeeyan

Jon and Kate, the cast of“ Real World, ” the Kardashians, and their kin across the spectrum conduct their lives for our entertainment.
乔恩和凯特,是“真实世界”这档节目中的角色,卡戴姗和她的家族为了娱乐大众,通过屏幕展示着他们的生活。 blog.sina.com.cn

Several neighbors include Jennifer Lopez, the Osbournes and the Kardashians.
数个邻居包括珍妮弗·洛佩兹, Osbournes和 Kardashians。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Kardashians will receive the Next Gen Entrepreneur Award.
卡戴珊Kardashian家族将获得新生代企业家奖。 forbeschina

With reality shows, fragrances and fashion lines, the Kardashians embody the new celebrity entrepreneur.
凭借真人秀节目、香水和时装产品,卡戴珊家族成为了新一代名人企业家的代表。 forbeschina




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