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词汇 Karasu
释义 Karasu
n.卡拉苏在土耳其;东经 30º37' 北纬 41º07'
InKarasuthe Chinese traders are also ambivalent.吉尔吉斯斯坦人是怎么看待这些初来乍到者的呢?
A trader at theKarasumarket is non-committal, describing the influx as “tolerable”.卡拉苏集市的一位商人对此态度比较暧昧,只是说中国人的涌入是“可以容忍的”。
TheKarasuTengu is a sacred being of the wild and the wind.It has the appearance of a man with the head, wings and feet of a crow.鸦天狗是一种自然和风的神圣生物,他有人类的头颅,乌鸦的翅膀和脚。
THEKarasuBazaar, just200 metres from Kyrgyzstan's heavily patrolled frontier with Uzbekistan, is a bustling; warren; of trading stalls fashioned out of metal shipping containers stacked one on top of another.卡拉苏-巴扎尔是一个拥挤的集市,距离重兵巡逻的吉尔吉斯斯坦与乌孜别克斯坦边境仅200米远。
Guy in black who's a member of Gaara's team. Has something weird on his back named “Karasu.“我爱罗组里穿黑衣的家伙。背上背着奇怪的叫乌鸦的东东。




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