KaramojaBNC⁹⁷²³³⁺⁷ 基本例句 n.卡拉莫贾在乌干达;东经 34º15' 北纬 2º50' But Karamoja has had a lot of “ food aid- plus” projects and so far is not on the WFP’s list of places in emergency need. 但卡拉莫贾地区有很多“粮食援助及外加”项目,截至目前世界粮食计划署有紧急需要的地方清单上没列入该地区。 ecocn In1984-85 famine ravaged the Karamoja region of eastern Uganda, which shares the same dryland climate as Somalia and Ethiopia. 在1984-85年,和索马里及埃塞俄比亚遭遇同样气候的乌干达,饥荒毁灭了其东部的卡拉莫贾地区。 fanbolawyer.com