

单词 Kandahar
释义 Qan·da·har 英ˌkʌndəˈhɑː, ˌkɑːn-美ˌkʌndəˈhɑr, ˌkɑn-AHDkŭn'də-härʹ, kän'- Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a city in southern Afghanistan; an important trading center近义词 Qandahar坎大哈阿富汗城市名…

I was once stranded with fellow journalists inKandahar, our bags lost.有一次,我和记者朋友被困坎大哈,我们的包也不见了。
Rebels and Taleban militants frequently attack security forces inKandahar.反叛分子以及塔利班武装分子经常攻击坎大哈的保安部队人员。“ I think I’ll need to be able to say there’s clear progress, and in some places irreversible progress, in the Helmand river valley and hopefully Kandahar, ” he said.
他表示:“我认为我必将确保明显的进展---在赫尔曼德河谷和前途光明的坎大哈,会有明显进展,而且在一些地方还有不可逆转的进展。” ecocn

Above, a U.S. Army soldier trains an attack dog at Camp Forward Operating Base Wilson in Zari district in southern Kandahar province on Oct.21,2010.
上图是2010年10月21日,在南部坎大哈省的扎日区威尔逊前进行动基地的营地里,一美军士兵正在训练战犬的攻击性。 yeeyan

But he also contributes to stability, not only in the border region but in Kandahar City itself, as his positive military contribution in the Afghan- led Malajat operation in August illustrated.
但是,他有助于边境地区甚至坎大哈城的稳定,因为在八月份提到在阿富汗人领导的马拉札特运动中他积极地做出了贡献。 yeeyan

Field commanders at both bases said they have seen significant security gains, especially in terms of the increasing capacity of Afghan forces in areas of Kandahar Province.
这两个基地的战地指挥官说,他们已经看到阿富汗的安全有显著进展,尤其是阿富汗部队在坎大哈省地区的治安能力越来越强。 voanews

He is also alleged to have made millions of dollars from foreign contracts, some of them allegedly through a militia, Kandahar Strike Force, which works for the CIA.
据传言他还从国外承包商那里赚取了数百万美元的利润,其中一部分据说来自为美国中央情报局工作的民兵组织坎大哈突击队。 ecocn




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