kanburCOCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺⁵ 基本例句 🌏坎伯 Mr Kanbur contends that governments should“ tax the millionaire in favour of the pauper, however great the millionaire’s capacity for happiness relative to the pauper.” Kanbur认为,政府应该“向百万富翁那样的人群征税来帮助穷人,不管富人群体相对穷人群体来说幸福容量有多大。” ecocn But Ravi Kanbur of Cornell University points out that happiness is not always a good guide to policy. 但是,康奈尔大学的拉维•坎波尔 Ravi Kanbur指出幸福并不总是政策制定的好的指引。 ecocn