释义 |
Kampar 'kɑ:mpɑ:r 基本例句 金宝马来西亚马来亚地区西部城镇重要锡产地 ⎣Did she ever show Ren HongKampar? 首页>>明星八卦>>她曾露点任洪金宝看?The weather inKamparis terrible, it's burning hot!!!你教会了我很多很多人生道理。。 I am so pity today,because I stay atKamparroom alone AGAIN!我更不知道要以舍么心态去面对他们! As the new semester starts, i adapted the mood of soldiers going for war toKampar…新的学期开始了,我带着兵士出征的心情前往金宝。 Me and my housemates were went toKamparTESCO and finally we had been served after waited for 45min long.你们都是我的深交,虽然有些只是刚认识不久的朋友,但是你们的安慰,帮忙,和打气都让我觉得有必要更坚强的走下去! They want to be granted rights to 5,000 hectares of forest on the other side of the river, in theKamparpeninsula.村民希望能获得坎葩尔半岛河对岸5,000公顷林木的采伐权。 |