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词汇 Kalenjin
释义 KalenjinEconomist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
“ If you bury the truth, it will grow,” says a Kalenjin elder who expects good things of the trials.
一位期待审讯能够带来良好结果的卡伦津老者说:“如果你掩盖真理,它反而会更加彰显。” ecocn

“ If you bury the truth, it will grow, ” says a Kalenjin elder who expects good things of the trials.
“如果你埋葬了真相,它反而会像种子一样发芽生长,”一位相信审判会得出良好结果的卡伦金老者这样说。 ecocn

During the violence of2007-08, most of the killing around Eldoret was Kalenjin on Kikuyu; in other parts of Kenya it was the other way round.
在2007-08年的暴乱期间,埃尔多雷特镇周围发生的大部分杀人案都是卡伦金人残杀吉库尤人;但在肯尼亚的其他地区情况却恰恰相反。 ecocn

During the violence of2007-08, most of the killing around Eldoret was Kalenjin on Kikuyu;
在2007至2008年的暴乱中,在埃尔多雷特的杀戮行为主要是卡伦津对吉库尤部族的; ecocn

If The Hague treats him and the two other Kalenjin suspects worse than it treats the Kikuyu defendants, his henchmen may run amok.
如果海牙法庭对他和另外两位卡伦金疑犯的处理比对吉库尤被告的更重,他的追随者可能会到处乱砍乱杀。 ecocn

Some fair- minded Kalenjin see the court as the best hope of reining in the power of bullying tribal leaders.
一些公平的卡伦金人把海牙法庭视为控制恃强凌弱的部落首领权势的最大希望。 ecocn

That oversight may cause resentment among other Kenyans, especially Kikuyus and Kalenjin, in the rest of the country.
这样的失察也许会引起其他肯尼亚人民的愤怒,特别是基库尤人和卡伦津人,还有该国其他民族的人民。 ecocn

The violence was, if anything, worse upcountry, where gangs of young men from the Kalenjin group turned on their Kikuyu neighbours in the Rift Valley.
那还不够,暴力事件在内陆地区还要恶化,在那里,由卡伦金族 Kalenjin青年组成的帮派对居住于东非大裂谷的基库尤人民进行了打击。 ecocn




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