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词汇 Antigens
释义 Antigens
A therapeutic serum is a pharmaceutical preparation that contains antibodies against one or more specific antigens.
治疗血清是一种药物制剂,含有针对一种或多种特定抗原的抗体。 who

On the positive side, the researchers discovered that the antigens proteins that provoke an immune response found in different samples have remained similar to each other.
好消息是,研究团队发现,不同样本中的抗原激发免疫系统的蛋白质彼此相似; yeeyan

The cellular elements supply oxygen RBC, protect against foreign organisms and antigens white cells, and initiate coagulation platelets.
血细胞提供氧气红细胞,抵御外来微生物和抗原白细胞,并启动凝血血小板。 yeeyan

The nanoparticles shield the antigens from degradation, meaning they stay in the system much longer, so they can be delivered at fewer intervals and at lower doses.
纳米级尺寸的颗粒使得包裹在其上的抗原不被降解,意味着他们可以在人体系统中存在更长时间,这样可以减少给药次数和剂量。 yeeyan

The testing of these proteins as potential antigens to be used in the development of a simple diagnostic blood test and the development of antimycolactone antibodies are high research priorities.
检测这些蛋白质作为潜在抗原用于发展简单诊断性验血和研制抗细菌内酯抗体是优先研究重点。 who

Antibodies perform their function by combining with the specific antigens that stimulated their production.
抗体通过与刺激其产生的特定抗原结合来执行其功能。 yeeyan

As the RBC ages it may change antigenically, acquiring senescent antigens and losing its flexibility due to impaired ATP production.
红细胞的老化导致抗原性改变,产生 ATP的功能受损使表面抗原老化并令细胞膜失去弹性。 yeeyan

But the layers can be alternated to any thickness desired, and inconvenient antigens thus hidden from view.
但是涂层的薄厚可以任意选择,这样那些碍事的抗原就被掩盖,消失于视线之中了。 ecocn

But when the weak T cells that want to stop the disease are presented with those same antigens, they kill the APC.
但当抑制性 T细胞想要阻止这一行为时,他们被传递了相同的抗原,开始杀死抗原呈递细胞。 yeeyan

Cells not mixed with the antigens did not produce interferon.
而没有加入抗原的细胞就不能产生干扰素。 jukuu

Exhaustion occurs when large amounts of virus, or pieces of the virus known as antigens, are seen by cells of the immune system over a prolonged period.
当免疫系统的免疫细胞长期接触大量的病毒或病毒片段也叫做抗原的时候,就会出现免疫疲劳现象。 yeeyan

Hemolysis may be caused by toxins, infectious agents, congenital abnormalities, or antibodies directed against RBC membrane antigens.
溶血可能是由于毒素,病原体,先天性异常,或针对红细胞膜抗原的抗体。 yeeyan

HIV infection can be diagnosed through blood tests detecting presence or absence of antibodies and antigens.
通过验血检查体内是否存在艾滋病毒抗体和抗原,可以诊断是否感染艾滋病毒。 who

On the positive side, the researchers discovered that the antigens proteins that provoke an immune response found in different samples have remained similar to each other.
有利的一面是,研究者们发现,在所有不同样品中发现的抗原引发免疫反应的蛋白质相互之间仍然类似。 ebigear

Scientists worry about vaccines that depend on antigens collected from the serum of carriers.

Somehow, it boosts the immunity- inducing effectiveness of the antigens derived from whichever bug the vaccine is designed to protect against.
明矾以某种方式提高了疫苗要消灭的细菌或病毒生成的抗原诱发免疫的功效。 ecocn

Squalene alone is not an adjuvant, but emulsions of squalene with surfactants enhance the immune response when added to antigens.
角鲨烯本身并不是一种佐剂,但添加表面活性剂后的角鲨烯乳剂加入至抗原后可增强免疫应答。 who

The scientists describe development of prototype paper test strips impregnated with antibodies to the antigens on red blood cells that determine blood type.
研究人员叙述了决定血型的红细胞抗原抗体的原型纸测试条的研究进展情况。 yeeyan

The job of TCR- CD3 is to assist in the recognition of these antigens.
而 TCR- CD3的工作则是协助识别这些抗原。 ecocn

The antigens helped them adapt to diseases in the north much more quickly than would have otherwise occurred.
这种抗原帮助欧洲人比其他情况未与尼人杂交?更容易迅速地适应北部疾病。 yeeyan

These molecules, known as antigens, are picked up by so-called antigen- presenting cells that display them on their surfaces and show them to the helper cells.
这些分子,即通常所说的抗原,由“抗原递呈细胞”挑选出来,并将其排列在细胞表面,呈现在辅助细胞前。 ecocn

This cell- killing system, too, recognises antigens, but it finds them on the surface of an infected cell.
这个杀细胞系统也识别抗原,但是它在被感染细胞的表面发现它们。 yeeyan




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