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词汇 Kaida
释义 Kaida
He must have seenKaida's successful opposition as a portent of the collapse of his dream of a universal empire.他肯定发现,海都成功的反抗预示着他妄想称霸世界的美梦破灭。
Kaidaforged his own khanate in Central Asia out of his lands and part of the khanate of Genghiz's son Jagatai which he had annexed.海都离开了他的领土,离开了他所并吞的成吉思汗之子察哈台的地区,在中亚成立了自己的伪可汗国。
When the four of them meet, it stirs up past memories.Kaiqi andKaidabeg Jinlong to let Kaijie off.Jinlong relents and does not open fire.4人见面,勾起许多往事,凯琪和凯达都求金龙放过凯杰,金龙最后终究没有开枪。
He had himself proclaimed emperor in Karakorum in 1260 with the support of a number of princes, of whom the most important wasKaida, a grandson of the emperor Ogdai.1260年,阿里不哥在部分王子的拥戴下在哈拉和林称帝。 这些王子中最重要的人物是海都,他是窝阔台皇帝的孙子。
A lUlL wal' LUUf~. place in 1275, and in 1287Kaidaformed a new coalition of princes. His ally Nayan was defeated by Kublai himself, who took the field at the age of 72, andKaidawas never able to interfere in the affairs of China.1287年,海都组成了一支新的王子盟军,他的同盟乃颜被忽必烈亲自击败,当时72岁高龄的忽必烈仍亲临战




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