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词汇 Kadima
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In that case, says Mr Barak, the government can be “ widened”, meaning that the opposition Kadima Party can be brought in.
巴拉克表示,如果那样,政府可能“扩大”,即反对党“前进党”进入政府。 ecocn

Israel’s Likud- led government may have stayed away from its conference, but its president, Shimon Peres, and Tzipi Livni, the leader of its opposition Kadima party, expressed their support.
以色列利库德集团领导的政府虽然距 J Street集会千里之外,但它的总统, Shimon Peres,和 Tzipi Livni,反对党 Kadima党的领导人,均表示了支持。 ecocn

It just so happens that Mr Netanyahu believes that seven members of Tsipi Livni’s Kadima, the main opposition party, may secede and join his coalition.
无巧不成书的是内塔尼亚胡相信他最大的反对党 Tsipi Livni前进党,有7名成员将推出加入他的联合政府。 ecocn

Livni was elected leader of the ruling Kadima party last week.
利夫尼上星期被推选为执政的前进党领袖。 ebigear

Mr. Olmert says he will not run in the Kadima Party primary and he will leave office once a new leader is chosen.
奥尔默特说,奥尔默特说,他不准备参加前进党主席的预选,一旦新的领导人产生,他就立即辞去公职。 ebigear

On September17th Israel’s ruling party, Kadima, opens the first round of a primary election to pick a leader to replace Mr Olmert.
9月17日,以色列第一大党前进党将举行党主席选举,寻找奥尔默特的接班人。 ecocn

Polls favor the Kadima Party of acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to win the vote, but not an absolute majority.

Projected results on Wednesday February11th, with soldiers’ votes still to be counted, showed that Kadima would claim28 seats in the120- seat Knesset, just pipping Mr Netanyahu’s Likud with27.
2月11日星期三的初步数据显示,不包括未计的军人投票,前进党将得到议会中120个席位中的28席,刚好击败内塔尼亚胡领导的利库德集团取得的27席。 ecocn

That happened last Wednesday, when moderate Tzipi Livni won a narrow victory in the Kadima party primaries.
上星期三,温和派的利夫尼以些微的差距赢得了前进党的初选。 ebigear

The largest one, Kadima, won a mere28 seats— and proved unable to form a government.

The guess is that he would rather align with Kadima than with the Likud.
有猜测说他宁愿同前进党结盟,也不愿和利库德集团结盟。 ecocn

The latest cause of Israeli uncertainty is that the Labour party, the junior partner to Mr Olmert's centrist Kadima in the ruling coalition, is choosing a new leader.

The most cataclysmic of those shifts was in2005, when the then prime minister, Ariel Sharon, seceded from the Likud to create Kadima, now the largest party in parliament see chart.
影响最大的一次政党变动发生在2005年,当时任以色列总理的阿里埃勒沙龙 Ariel Sharon从利库德集团退出并创建了前进党,前进党现在已经成为国会的第一大党见图表。 ecocn

The poll will pit Livni's ruling centrist Kadima party against the Likud Party of right-wing opposition candidate Benjamin Netanyahu.
竞选将在利夫尼的执政党--中间派的“前进党”和右翼反对派候选人内塔尼亚胡的“利库德党”之间进行。 ebigear

The same poll put Tzipi Livni’s Kadima party, which argues for a more vigorous effort to re-engage the Palestinians, ahead of Mr Netanyahu’s Likud.
同意投票还表明 Tzipi Livni旗下的 Kadima党,也就是认为应该对巴勒斯坦人采取更强硬手段的党派,也比内塔尼亚胡领导的利库德党支持率领先。 ecocn

TZIPI LIVNI, the leader of Israel's opposition Kadima party, says that Binyamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, does not seriously intend to negotiate peace with the Palestinians.
以色列在野党前进党领袖齐皮•利夫尼承认以色列总理本雅明•内塔尼亚胡并未真正打算同巴勒斯坦商讨和平问题。 topsage

Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has laid out the choice in stark terms: a vote for his Kadima Party in Tuesday's election is a vote for an Israeli pullback from much of the West Bank.
以色列代理总理 Ehud Olmert赤裸裸地提出选择:在周二选举中投票给他所领导的 Kadima党就是投票同意该国撤出大部分西岸地区。 dayoo

And the larger ones, such as Kadima and the Likud, are not big enough to club together to push a wider electoral reform through.
而诸如前进党、利库德集团这样的大党派也没有足够的规模来协作推动更大范围的选举改制的实施。 ecocn

As it is, voters gave Kadima only one seat more than Binyamin Netanyahu’s Likud, which thanks to Israel’s fractionated political system means that he may yet lead a ruling coalitionsee article.
现在,选民们给予 Kadima的席位只比 Binyamin Netanyahu的 Likud多一个,由于以色列各自为政的政治体制,这意味着他仍然能够领导一个执政联盟。 ecocn

Behind their determined smiles, Kadima members knew the arithmetic was against them.
在坚强的笑脸背后,前进党人知道,数字对他们很不利。 ecocn

But Mr Netanyahu is averse to embracing Kadima and its leader.
但是内塔尼亚胡却反对接受以色列前进党及其领导人。 ecocn

But Mr Lieberman, like Ms Livni and Kadima, also accepts the notion of two states, one for Israel, one for Palestine.
但是与利夫宁女士和前进党一样,利伯曼先生也接受两个州的概念,一个州是以色列,另一个州是巴勒斯坦。 ecocn

He had reacted to a mutiny from his Likud party by creating a brand- new centrist party, Kadima, which was expected easily to win the forthcoming general election.
他为对抗利库德集团兵变建立的前进党,虽然只是个新生的中立党,却本可以在即将来临的大选中轻松获胜。 topsage

He and his Labour party have been trailing well behind the foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, and her Kadima party and Binyamin Netanyahu and his hard-right opposition Likud party.
他和他的劳工党落后外交部长 Tzipi Livni和她的 Kadima党以及 Binyamin Netanyahu和他的极右翼反对党利库德很多。 ecocn

He commands the parliamentary arithmetic to form a coalition with Tzipi Livni’s party, Kadima.
他命令议会表决和齐皮·利夫尼的卡迪马党构成联合政府。 ecocn

He led the new centrist Kadima Party created by Prime Minister Sharon to victory in national elections two weeks ago. Mr. Olmert is trying to form a coalition government.

He said he would take a tougher stand against Hamas than the ruling centrist Kadima party has done.
他说,他将对哈马斯采取比目前的中间派前进党政府更为强硬的立场。 ebigear

He urged Livni to bring her centrist Kadima party into the coalition, but she flatly refused.
他敦促利夫尼将她的温和派前进党带进这个联盟,不过利夫尼断然拒绝这一要求。 tingroom

If he is paralysed by his reliance on parties on his right, he should bite his lip and consider dropping them and dragging Tzipi Livni’s centrist Kadima party into his government.
如果他失去了自己所依赖的对党内右翼的控制,那他就该咬紧牙关割去他们,并将齐皮.利夫尼的中间派政党前进党招入内阁。 ecocn

Israels three main TV stations predicted that Olmert s centrist Kadima Party would win Tuesdays election but would get fewer seats than expected.

Last week Mofaz narrowly lost a primary within the ruling Kadima party to become Israel's next prime minister.

Livni was elected head of the centrist Kadima party last month, and was due to replace Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who resigned last month amid corruption allegations.
利夫尼上个月当选温和派前进党的主席,应该接替因为腐败指控于上个月辞职的奥尔默特担任总理。 iciba

Most senior Kadima members on Thursday night announced their support for Olmert, except for Shimon Peres.
大多数前进党成员周四上午表示了对奥尔默特的支持,但佩雷斯除外。 jewcn

Mr Abbas also approvingly mentioned Tzipi Livni, who succeeded Mr Olmert as head of the Kadima party and was Israel's foreign minister during the last bout of negotiations.
阿巴斯也颇带赞许的提到齐皮·利夫尼,后者接任奥尔默特前进党领袖职位,并且在最近的两轮谈判中一直任以色列国防部长。 ecocn

Mr Obama’s people have long hoped that a centrist Israeli party, Kadima, led by Tzipi Livni, would join a reshaped and more peace- minded coalition less vulnerable to the demands of the right.
对于奥巴马这一方来说,他们一直以来都希望齐皮• 利夫尼领导的中间派前进党能够加入联合政府,并使其在重组后更加温和,在对待右翼时不那么软弱。 ecocn

Netanyahu is promising to pursue the peace process and at the same time be tougher than Kadima has been in negotiations with the Palestinians.
内塔尼亚胡保证会继续奉行和平进程,同时也要在以巴谈判中采取比前进党政府更强硬的立场。 ebigear

Netanyahu's government and has indicated that she will likely take her Kadima party into opposition.

On Wednesday, his Kadima party began the process for primaries to replace him.
星期三,奥尔默特所在的前进党开始了党内初选程序,推选接替他的人选。 ebigear

The two main candidates in Tuesday's elections are the right-wing Likud Party's Benjamin Netanyahu and the ruling centrist Kadima party's Tzipi Livni.
星期二选举的两名主要候选人是右翼利库德党的内塔尼亚胡,和中间派执政党前进党的利夫尼。 ebigear

To sweeten the package, Mr Netanyahu might offer Kadima two tempting jobs: the foreign ministry for Ms Livni and the defence ministry for her deputy, Shaul Mofaz.
为了增加吸引力,内塔尼亚胡先生可能会向前进党提供两个很有诱惑力的职位:让利夫宁女士担任外长,她的副手沙乌尔•莫法兹 Shaul Mofaz将担任国防部长一职。 ecocn




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