

单词 Kaddish
释义 Kad·dish 英ˈkɑːdɪʃ美ˈkɑdɪʃAHDkäʹdĭsh
After his death, Belize summons Louis to recite the Kaddish, the Jewish prayer for the dead, to demonstrate thanksfor his stash of AIDS drugs and forgiveness.
他去世后,伯利兹传票路易朗诵 Kaddish,犹太人为死者祈祷,表现出感谢他藏匿艾滋病药物和宽恕。 zhongguodaixie.com

Mourners recite the Kaddish prayer three times that day, go to synagogue and light a candle that burns for24 hours.
哀悼者们一天诵读三遍悼词,去犹太教堂并为故人点燃长明灯。 yeeyan

The man turned around, and Rabbi Ben Kaddish smashed him in the back of the head with a candlestick.
此人转过身,本·卡迪什拉比用一根蜡烛打了他的后脑勺。 douban

The Kaddish is a prayer that praises God and expresses a yearning for the establishment of God's kingdom on earth.
卡迪什是赞美上帝,表达在地上建立神的国度的渴望。 douban

Then another cousin, Arno Lustiger, bent over the coffin to recite Kaddish.
然后,他的另一个堂兄弟阿尔诺•吕斯蒂杰伏在灵柩上背诵了犹太教的珈底什哀悼祷文。 ecocn

We hear his father recite the Kaddish, the beautiful Jewish memorial prayer.
我们听着他父亲念诵着祈祷-令人怀念的优美犹太人祈祷。 ecocn




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