

单词 juxtaposing
释义 jux·ta·pose 英ˌdʒʌkstə'pəʊz美ˌdʒʌkstə'poʊz COCA⁵⁰³⁰¹BNC⁶⁷³⁷⁴
place side by side;

The fauvists juxtaposed strong colors

近义词 compare比较contrast对比collocate布置set against反对put together合在一起
as in.side by side
同义词 collectively,in tandem,jointly,simultaneously,togetherunitedlyall together,as one,at one fell swoop,coincidentally,commonly,concertedly,concomitantly,concurrently,conjointly,contemporaneously,en masse,hand in glove,hand in hand,in a body,in concert,in cooperation
反义词 apart,individually,separately
side by sideadjective next to each other
abreast,alongside,beside,cheek by jowl,cheek to cheek,parallel,shoulder to shoulder,side-by-side At the same time, The text still hinting read-ers through the appearance of its outside, to comprehend the deep irony meaning with juxtaposing of the contrary things and use of suggest and metaphor.
并以悖立事物的对举陈述以及暗示与隐语的运用,提示读者透过其表象,领会作品深在的反讽意蕴。 cnki

It is still about storytelling, about juxtaposing images, about creating a feeling with images and music.
拍电影仍然是关于讲故事、排列画面、用画面和音乐创造某种意境的工作。 yeeyan

The affirmative- negative questions are formed by juxtaposing the affirmative and negative forms of the main element of the predicate.
正反疑问句是并列谓语的肯定形式与否定形式来表示疑问。 hanbridge

A single pictorial composition made by juxtaposing or superimposing many pictures or designs.
由许多画面或图样并列或叠化而成的一个图画作品。 blog.sina.com.cn

Code-switching with its special way of juxtaposing more than one language in an utterance can realize various meanings and functions.
语码转换作为一种跨语言的表达形式,在小说语篇中别具一格地体现其意义与功能。 cnki

He spent half a day asking people in Zuccotti Park what they hoped to achieve, and then cut together a quietly rousing33- second video juxtaposing their hopeful responses to inspiring music.
他花了半天来问祖科迪公园的人们他们希望要实现什麽,然后将他们满怀希望的回答剪接成一段富有动感、伴随著鼓舞人心的音乐的33秒视频。 yeeyan

Marina: I’m interested in juxtaposing binary opposites within my dolls: beauty and ugliness, love and violence, eroticism and repulsion.
马瑞娜:我喜欢有二元对立的元素在娃娃身上并存:美与丑、爱与暴力、情色与性排斥。 yeeyan

Mr. Obama spent Monday celebrating Dr. King's birthday as a day of service, while street vendors sold memorabilia juxtaposing images of the two black leaders.
周一,奥巴马参加了庆祝马丁•路德•金诞辰日的一系列公益活动,而街头小贩则在出售将这两位黑人领袖人物并列在一起的纪念画像。 blog.sina.com.cn

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can begin to press against the rules, juxtaposing non- complementary colors or painting unconventional subjects.
一旦你成功的掌握了基本功,你就能开始对抗规则,并置非补色或者画些非传统的主题。 yeeyan

Santanghu Basin, located in the northeast Xinjiang, is a medium-sized composite hydrocarbon basin juxtaposing and superimposing relict basins formed in different stages.
三塘湖盆地位于新疆维吾尔自治区东北部,是由不同时期的残留盆地叠加并置而成的中型复合型含油气盆地。 cnki

So picture this: month after month of headlines juxtaposing soaring U.S. trade deficits and Chinese trade surpluses with the suffering of unemployed American workers.
因此设想这样一幅场景:一个月接一个月的数据显示,美国的贸易赤字上升,中国的贸易盈余上升,美国失业工人处境堪忧。 yeeyan

The first pass at a final model, juxtaposing architectural masses against the forces of the site, and showing both.
最终模型的第一次通过,将建筑的重量和场所的力量并列对照,对两者进行展示。 myoops

Through photographing those who place the advertisements, and juxtaposing the image against the advertisement itself, Giles delves into the innermost mechanisms of the metropolis.
通过拍摄者谁放置广告,对广告并列本身的形象,贾尔斯深入探讨了大都市最里面的机制。 artintern




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