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“Hannah Montana”, a hit television show, caters to pre-teen girls. The Marvel characters should be just the thing for boys of the same age, whom Disney has found especially hard to attract of late.
热门电视节目《汉娜•蒙塔娜》迎合了10岁以下的女孩;想必惊奇公司的角色能引起同龄男孩的兴趣,而一直以来,迪斯尼一直觉得做到这点困难重重。 yeeyan

The Marvel characters should be just the thing for boys of the same age, whom Disney has found especially hard to attract of late.
惊奇公司的人物角色则能够赢取同年龄的男孩观众,这是迪斯尼一直很难做到的。 ecocn

After the war in Iraq and with the war in Afghanistan in full swing, a people-to-people soft sell might be just the thing.

For example, a monochrome vector of Bob Marley is just the thing for that T-shirt imprint. Or check out Clint Eastwood’s sketch.
例如,鲍勃·马利 Bob Marley的黑白矢量图就是 T恤图案,还有克林特·伊斯特伍德的素描矢量图。 yeeyan

For those less interested in a particular conceptual theme but enamored with a specific color and the mood it creates this series of brightly colored hotel rooms might be just the thing.
这一系列用明快颜色打造的房间,对于那些对特定主题不感兴趣,却对色彩和它所营造的气氛所着迷的顾客,也许再合适不过。 yeeyan

Remember that these would have been times when burning sheep and goats and the like was seen as just the thing to stroke the ego of the divine.
要知道,这类祭祀活动大概已经有相当长的历史了——人们焚烧绵羊、山羊或是之类的牲畜,并以此来表达对神灵的敬畏。 yeeyan




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