

单词 justly
释义 justly 英'dʒʌstlɪ ☆☆☆☆☆高TCOCA²⁷⁴⁵⁵BNC¹⁸²⁸²iWeb¹⁷⁸³⁰Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

with honesty;

he was rightly considered the greatest singer of his time

in accordance with moral or social standards;

that serves him right

do right by him

词根词缀: -just-法律,公正 + -ly副词词尾just刚才
just-ly像⇒adv.公正地⁴⁰;理由充分地³⁰;正当地³⁰adv.公平地;恰当地;正义地;正直地;应得地;正确地;理直气壮地;理所当然地;当然近义词 right正确的fairly公正地rightly正当地honestly诚实地morally道德上地correctly正确地reasonably适度地impartially公平地justifiedly正直地truthfully说真话地legitimately正当地honorably值得尊敬地aboveboard光明正大地honourably值得尊敬地deservedly理所应当地justifiably言之有理地understandably可理解地with reason有道理合乎情理…excusably情有可原地(可以原谅地…反义词 unjustly不公正

用作副词They dealt with the problemjustly.他们公正地处理了这个问题。
We like our work to bejustlyevaluated.我们喜欢别人公正的评价我们的工作。
His superior put in a word for himjustlyand he got the job.他的上级为他说了句公正的话,他得到了那份工作。
He isjustlycalled the Father of Texas.他被誉为得克萨斯之父是当之无愧的。
We arejustlyproud of our new achievement.我们有充分的理由为我们的新成就感到骄傲。adv.fairly
同义词 accurately,correctly,decently,duly,equally,equitably,honestly,honorably,impartially,lawfully,legally,legitimately,properly,reasonably,rightfully,rightlybefittingly,beneficently,benevolently,benignly,candidly,charitably,decorously,duteously,dutifully,evenhandedly,fitly,fittingly,frankly,helpfully,moderately,nicely,piously,respectably,righteously,straightforwardly,temperately,tolerantly,unreservedly,uprightly,virtuously,well
反义词 wronglyunfairly,unjustly
appropriatelyadverb suitably
correctlyadverb right
accurately,befittingly,decently,decorously,fitly,fittingly,justly,nicely,perfectly,precisely,properly,rightly,to a T,well
equallyadverb evenly
evenlyadverb equally proportioned or distributed
honestlyadverb in an honest manner
honorablyadverb nobly
fairly,justly,virtuously“ Wilson” is a mediocre and now justly forgotten film that won five Academy Awards because of its usefulness to the debate over the aftermath of World War II.
《威尔逊》则是一部平庸之作,因为在二战余波的大辩论中发挥了作用而囊括五项奥斯卡奖,后来又理所当然地被人们淡忘了。 yeeyan

And the more I looked and the older I grew, the more difficult it seemed to me to administer political affairs justly.

And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.
因为我们所受的,与我们所作的相称。但这个人没有作过一件不好的事。 ebigear

EVEN the fiercest free- market advocates would concede that governments can justly intervene to curtail businesses that become too powerful.
即便是最狂热的自由市场信徒也不得不承认,政府能够进行公正的市场干涉来削弱某些变得过于强大的企业. ecocn

For someone who came up with what has justly been described as“ the single best idea anyone has ever had”, Darwin has been vilified to an extraordinary degree.
作为提出了被公正地描述为“任何人曾经有过的仅有一个的最好想法”的人,达尔文一直受到非常离奇的诽谤。 yeeyan

His greatest service, however, was the proof that Van Diemen’s Land is not joined to Australia, but is divided from it by the wide strait to which Bass’s name is now so justly given.
但是他的最大贡献,是证明了范迪门斯地并不与澳洲大陆接壤,而是通过一个一个宽阔的海峡与之隔海相望,这个海峡日后被恰当地命名为“巴斯海峡”。 yeeyan

I thought that the city was then living a kind of life which was unjust and that they would bend it to a just one and so administer it more justly.

I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.
我要感谢你们无与伦比的盛情款待。中国人民正是以这种热情好客而闻明世界的。 ebigear

If Facebook fails to simplify and improve its privacy policy, it will justly risk the wrath of regulators— and many more Facebook suicides.
如果脸谱不能简化和提升其隐私保护措施,它必然面临的风险只能是激怒监管者并引来更多的“脸谱自杀”。 yeeyan

It was the remaining half of the justly celebrated English cavalry.
那是那些名不虚传的英国骑兵的一半。 ebigear

Mr Erdogan is justly credited with having brought about more reforms than any of his predecessors.
埃尔多安先生所进行的改革比他任何一个前任都要多。 这是个公正的评价。 ecocn

On behalf of all of your American guests, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.
我谨代表你们的所有美国客人向你们表示感谢,感谢你们的无可比拟的盛情款待。中国人民以这种盛情款待而闻名世界。 hjenglish

So, those who are captured in war, cannot be assumed to be justly or naturally enslaved.

They believed they were doing God's work and would be justly rewarded in the afterlife.
他们相信自己是在执行上帝的使命,且肉体死后灵魂会得到公正的回报。 ecocn

To think justly, we must understand what others mean; to know the value of our thoughts, we must try their effect on other minds.
要正确地思考,我们必须领悟别人的意思;要想知道自己见解的价值,我们必须检验它们对别人有何影响。 fortunechina

TV news justly receives much criticism.
电视新闻就因为它的公正而受到了很多的批评。 yeeyan

Varsovians are justly proud of it— but most visitors to the Polish capital never see it; they are too busy going around the Museum of the Warsaw Uprising.
华沙人以此为傲,但是很多到过波兰首都的游客却从未参观过这个图书馆,他们都忙着参观华沙起义博物馆呢。 ecocn

We like our work to be justly evaluated.
我们喜欢别人公正的评价我们的工作。 ebigear




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