

单词 justin timberlake
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Also joining the ensembles are a panorama of new guests, including pop phenom Justin Timberlake as Fiona's wayward cousin Arthur.
同时,全体配音演员还包括一个新的成员——流行艺人贾斯汀·汀伯莱克给菲欧娜的表兄亚瑟配音。 ryedu

Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were pilloried when they showed up in a denim dress and a denim suit to the2001 American Music Awards.
小甜甜布兰妮和贾斯汀·汀布莱克出席2001年全美音乐盛典时,身着牛仔裙和牛仔西装,结果遭到一片嘘声。 ebigear

But recently she has been piling on different types of pounds as she struggles to cope with her split from childhood sweetheart Justin Timberlake.

Customize your own Audi A1, find your personal A1 Style and watch a fast- paced action thriller with Justin Timberlake.
定制您自己的奥迪 A1,找到你的个人 A1样式,看与贾斯汀快节奏的动作惊悚片。 movingshop.org

If it took two millenniums for Plato's“Republic” to reach North America, the latest hit from Justin Timberlake can be found in Greek and Japanese stores within days.
若说柏拉图的“理想国”经过了两千年才到达美洲,那么贾斯汀的新专辑在数天之内就能出现在希腊或日本的音像店里。 ebigear

Jackson's musical influence on subsequent artists is simply unavoidable, from his immediate followers like Madonna and Bobby Brown, to later stars like Usher and Justin Timberlake.
从起初的追随者麦当娜和鲍比·布朗开始,到后来的亚瑟小子和贾斯汀·廷伯莱克,杰克逊无法避免地影响了后辈艺人。 yeeyan

Janet Jackson caused outrage as she exposed her breast during the half-time Super Bowl show with Justin Timberlake.
珍妮特在超级碗橄榄球总决赛中的露乳事件曾引起轩然大波。 enfamily

Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake broke up after4 years of dating.
杰西卡-贝尔和贾斯汀约会了4年,最后也分了。 yeeyan

The magazine also names12“ men of the year, ” including Pitt, Jamie Foxx, Patrick Dempsey, Matt Damon, Justin Timberlake and Daniel Craig.
该杂志还评选出了“12年度男人”,有皮特,杰米福克斯,派?克·丹姆西,麦特·达盟,贾斯汀和丹尼尔·格莱格。 ebigear

This thing just follows us around like some kind of stink we can't get rid of. Like those pictures of Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears dressed all in denim at the Video Music Awards.
但现在该案件也许又一次要移送最高院,这类丑事总是伴随着我们,比如那些贾斯汀和小甜甜布莱尼一起穿牛仔服饰出席音乐颁奖的图片。 yeeyan

What do you do when you see Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel at your Hollywood Hills polling place?
当看到贾斯汀·廷伯莱克和杰西卡·贝尔在好莱坞山投票点投票时,你会有什么反应? yeeyan

Justin Timberlake wanted to work with him.
贾斯汀-廷伯莱克希望与他合作,亚瑟小子也是。 yeeyan




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