

单词 just
释义 just 英dʒʌst美dʒʌstAHDjŭst ★★★★★常小初中高研牛4COCA⁶⁷BNC⁷⁷iWeb⁶⁰Economist⁸⁴



only; no more than


only a short time ago; only now and not sooner


almost not; hardly

公道的; 公正的; 公平的

acting or being in accordance with what is morally right and proper; fair


reasonable; well-founded

used especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting;

a just and lasting peace

a kind and just man

a just reward

his just inheritance

fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience;

equitable treatment of all citizens

an equitable distribution of gifts among the children

free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; conforming with established standards or rules;

a fair referee

fair deal

on a fair footing

a fair fight

by fair means or foul

of moral excellence;

a genuinely good person

a just cause

an upright and respectable man

and nothing more;

I was merely asking

it is simply a matter of time

just a scratch

he was only a child

hopes that last but a moment

indicating exactness or preciseness;

he was doing precisely or exactly what she had told him to do

it was just as he said--the jewel was gone

it has just enough salt

only a moment ago;

he has just arrived

the sun just now came out


I just can't take it anymore

he was just grand as Romeo

it's simply beautiful!

only a very short time before;

they could barely hear the speaker

we hardly knew them

just missed being hit

had scarcely rung the bell when the door flew open

would have scarce arrived before she would have found some excuse to leave

exactly at this moment or the moment described;

we've just finished painting the walls, so don't touch them


❌ It is just not what he wanted.

✔️ It is not quite what he wanted.

just作“恰好,正是”解时,一般不用于否定句,表示此意的否定句要用not quite。

just not, not just

这两个同构异序的短语意思并不相同:just not作“差一点儿不,根本不”解,而not just…but的意思是“不仅…还…”。 试比较:

He is not just tall, but strong.他不仅个子高,身体还壮。
He is just not as tall as his brother.他差一点就和他的哥哥一般高了。just, justly


Our representative has just spoken.我们的代表刚发了言。
He has spoken justly.他讲得有理。impartial,just,fair,neutral,objective









very是形容词,用来修饰名词,位于the, this,my等限定词后。

right作副词,用来修饰谓语常为动词be或作状语的介词短语等,须放在the, this,my等限定词之前。


来自拉丁语iustus,公正的,正直的。来自ius,法律,权利,正义。来自古拉丁语ious,神圣的语言。来自原始印欧语*yewes,法规,法则,词源同judge, jury。该词原为古代宗教仪式术语,宗教仪式有着固定的程序和规则,以及繁琐的礼节并向天,地,神起誓的固定用语,因此,引申出法律,发誓这两个主要词义。来自just,公正的,正义的,引申词义准确的,精确的,最终引申副词词义仅仅,刚好,刚刚等。词义演变比较even, fair, very。 just来自拉丁语iustus,公正的,正直的。来自ius,法律,权利,正义。来自古拉丁语ious,神圣的语言。来自原始印欧语*yewes,法规,法则,词源同judge, jury。该词原为古代宗教仪式术语,宗教仪式有着固定的程序和规则,以及繁琐的礼节并向天,地,神起誓的固定用语,因此,引申出法律,发誓这两个主要词义。来自just,公正的,正义的,引申词义准确的,精确的,最终引申副词词义仅仅,刚好,刚刚等。词义演变比较even, fair, very。 even1、平的,甚至。来自原始印欧语aim,相似,持平,词源同emulate, imitate。2、黄昏。来自古英语aefen,黄昏。 fair缩写自古英语faeger,美丽的,漂亮的。来自原始印欧语*pek,使美丽,漂亮。词义由美丽引申为公平,公正。比较very,原义为真实的,even,原义为平的。来自拉丁语feriae,宗教节目,宗教集会,词源同festival。 very来自拉丁语verus,真实的,值得相信的。来自原始印欧语*were,真实的,词源同verify, veracity。引申词义非常真实的,非常的。词义演变比较fair, even。
用作副词 adv.
~+动词不定式just finish刚刚完成just leave刚刚离开just shut请关一下just think试想一下just try请试一下~+副词just at present刚好在这时,就在目前just in time正好及时地just now刚才,眼下,马上just there就在那儿~+介词just after supper就在晚饭后just after the meeting就在会议后just as it is恰好如此,完全照原样just by the river就在河边just of that place就在那地方用作形容词 adj.~+名词just action正义的行动just anger有缘由的怒气just cause正义的事业just conduct公正的行动just decision公正的裁决just description真实的描述just fear有理由的害怕just indignation义愤just life正直的生活just man正直的人just opinion合理的意见just praise应得的称赞just price公平的价格just sentence公正的判决just stand正确的立场just war正义的战争~+介词just in one's dealings待人处事正直just to people对人诚实真诚just towards对…公正的
用作副词adv.it is just as well

也是好事,倒也不错 it is a good thing

it would be just as well

是明智的 it is advisable

just about


just as one〔it is〕

不特意装饰或改变; 保持原样 without any special decoration or alteration

just in case

以防万一 as a precaution

just like that

突然,冷不防地; 莫名其妙地 suddenly, without warning or explanation

just now

立刻,正要 be about to do

just so

精确地 precisely

just the same

仍然,还是 nevertheless

not just yet

并非现在,但可能不久 not at this present moment but probably quite soon

one might just as well be〔do〕 sth

这样也好 one would not benefit from being or doing otherwise

jus=jur-,发誓,字母r在t前面音变为s以便发音+t拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,=ed,表示动作已经完成→已经发过誓的→公正的,公平的,正义的→合理的,恰当的⇒转做副词恰好,刚刚,仅仅。小学英语速记联想记忆:别大惊小怪,just只是一些dust灰尘非常记忆ju锯+st石头⇒我刚刚锯断了那块石头近义词 goodexacthonestcorrectdeservedfaithfulimpartialadj. blameless反义词 biasedpartialadj. unjust
I have just had a tooth pulled out and my mouth is very sore.我刚拔了牙,嘴很疼。
We've just arrived here, can you arrange for a car for us?我们新来乍到,你能给我们安排一辆车吗?
I have just been appointed our firm's representative in Paris.我刚被委任为我们公司驻巴黎的代表。
What he has just said does not accord with the views of the majority.他刚才所说的话与大多数人所持的观点不一致。
He determined, come what may, to return the visit he had just received.他决定走了,不管怎样,一定要对刚才对他的拜访作一次回访。
He's just coming.他马上就来。
We're just going to start.我们很快就开始。
I am just out of hospital.我刚刚出院。
I am only just home from Oxford University.我刚从牛津大学回来。
We just need a tent supported on a rigid framework.我们正需要一座用坚硬的架子支撑的帐篷。
I was just passing, so I thought I'd blow in for a few minutes.我正好路过那儿,我想我应该进去看看。
I was just going out when a call came through on the phone from Tom.我正要出去时,汤姆打电话来了。
The two things are so opposed that they just cancel each other out.这两件事如此截然相反,以致起了相互抵消的作用。
It is just 12 o'clock in the evening.现在正好是半夜12点。
The rope is just long enough.绳子长度正够。
That is just what he expected.那正好是他所期望的事。
It's just an old rag I had in the closet.这只不过是我挂在壁橱里的一件旧衣服罢了。
This is not the original picture, but just a copy of it.这不是那幅画的原作,只不过是幅复制品。
You have to assimilate the facts, not just remember them.你要完全了解这些事实,不只是记得这些事实。
Employing just one woman among fifty men is only taken recognition of equal rights for the sexes.50个男工中雇用了1个女工,此举只不过象征性地承认了男女平等。
It’s just a routine medical examination, nothing to get worried about.这只是例行常规的身体检查,没有什么可担心的。
He says he's just an ordinary man, living in an ordinary house, with ordinary hopes and fears.他说他只是一个普通人,住着平常的房子,怀着寻常的希望和恐惧。
In his youth he lost several jobs, just because he dared to answer back.他年轻时,只因为敢于顶嘴而多次失业。
You do not reply directly; you are just begging the question.你不直接回答,你只是在回避问题。
There’s just an outside chance we’ll get the contract after all.说到底,我们得到那份合同的希望极其渺茫。
There was only just room to brush past in the crowd.在人群中只有探着身子才能过去的空隙。
In the heavy fog I could just see his face.在浓雾中我能依稀看见他的面孔。
He just managed to pass the examination.他好不容易才考试及格。
By the time I got to the airport, they were already calling my flight,I just barely made it.我到机场的时候,已经在叫我这个航班登机了,我好不容易才赶上。
He only just answered the question.他勉强地回答了这个问题。
We only just climbed up the top of the mountains.我们好容易才爬上了山顶。
We have only just enough milk to last till Friday.我们现有的牛奶勉强可以维持到星期五。
I only just caught the bus this morning.今天早晨,我刚好赶上公共汽车。
There are only five minutes to go.You might just manage to get to the station, but you're cutting it rather fine.只有五分钟了,你可以赶到车站,但时间确实太紧了。
I just can't believe my eyes.我简直不能相信我的眼睛。
The food is just wonderful.这种食品太好吃了。
His skill is just marvellous.他的技艺实在了得。
The sentence just doesn't make sense.这个句子简直没有意义。
It is just beautiful!这简直太漂亮了!
The film was just marvelous!那电影简直棒极了!
I really didn't know just what profession he practised.我不知道他究竟从事什么职业。
Just who was the owner of the house?到底谁是这幢房子的主人?
Just who is the pretty girl sitting beside you?坐在你旁边的那个漂亮女孩究竟是谁呀?
Just how did you know she was a driver?你到底怎么知道她是个司机?
My mother is just coming.我妈妈就要回来了。
The door just opens.门就要开了。
He came from France last week, just to see us.他上周从法国专程来看我们。
Let's take more money than we think we'll need, just to be on the safe side.为稳妥起见,咱们带的钱要比想象中的需要得多一些。
It was pleasant just to watch the girl with her bouncing energy and her happy laugh.看那个女孩生气勃勃开怀大笑的样子令人开心。
It isn't enough just to cast your eyes over this blue-print; you should make a careful study of it.这份图纸单是草草过一眼是不够的,你得仔细地推敲推敲。
Please wait just a few minutes; I'm going to clean myself up.请稍等几分钟,我洗一下就来。
Just give me ten minutes to clean myself up; I'm covered in oil.我浑身沾满了油污,给我十分钟时间去清洗一下。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.It is a just but not generous decision.这是一个公正但并非宽容的决定。
She has received a just reward.她得到了应得的回报。
He was a just man, listening to both sides of every complaint.他是个公正的人,对每件控诉的事情都能兼听双方的意见。
We resolutely support your just struggle for national liberation.我们坚决支持你们争取民族解放的正义斗争。
There's no doubt that your just cause will triumph throughout the world.毫无疑问,你们的正义事业必将在全世界取得胜利。
This is a perfectly just and proper measure of self-defence.这是完全合理和正当的自卫措施。
We entirely support your just position on this matter.在这个问题上,我们完全支持你们的公正立场。
The state must protect the just rights and interests of the people.国家必须保护人民的正当权利和利益。
S+be+~We hold that their proposal is just and reasonable.我们认为,他们的建议是合情合理的。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHe is just in his dealings.他做生意公道。
We hope to be just in our understanding of such difficult situations.我们希望对如此困难的局面应有一个公正的认识。
We must deal with the matter seriously so as to be just to all the people concerned.我们必须认真处理这件事,做到对有关的人都公正。It is/was+~+that-clauseIt is just that you should be rewarded.你们得到报酬是应该的。Punjusta.不公平的Pjustnessn.公正正当正确Punjustlyad.不公正不法地



just作“刚刚”解时,如时间较短a moment ago,英式英语中动词用现在完成时,美式英语中动词用一般过去时,有时也可用一般现在时。如时间稍长a short time ago,无论英美语均用一般过去时。作“很快”“一会儿”very soon解时,可用现在时或将来进行时。just now作“刚才”解时动词用一般过去时; 作“现在”“此刻”解时动词用一般现在时或现在进行时; 作“立刻”“马上”解时动词用现在进行时、一般将来时或将来进行时。

just作“恰好,正是”解时,一般不用于否定句,表示此意的否定句要用not quite。just也可作“刚好,勉强地,好容易才…,仅仅”等解,前面可加only。在非正式文体中, just可作“非常,简直,太”解。just可与疑问副词或疑问代词连用,以加强疑问效果,意为“究竟,到底”。just还可用在表示将来动作的进行时、将来时的句中,作“就要,正要”解。




用作副词This is the thing youjustleft.这是您刚才忘在这里的东西。
I amjustteasing you; you need not be nervous.我仅仅是在跟你闹着玩,你不要紧张。
I'm sorry, but I amjuston my way out.很抱歉,我正好要出门。
To our great joy, your goods arrivedjustin time.令我们欣喜若狂的是,你的物资来的正是时候。
I amjuststarving.我真的要饿死了。用作形容词Our aim is ajustand lasting peace.我们的目标是维持一个公平而持久和平的世界。
Many Americans no longer viewed it as ajustwar.许多美国人不再认为那是一场正义的战争。
You have received ajustreward.你已得到了应有的报酬。
We made ajustassessment of the situation.我们对形势作了精确的评估。adj.fair, impartial
同义词 equitablealoof,blameless,condign,conscientious,decent,dependable,dispassionate,due,equal,ethical,evenhanded,fair-minded,good,honest,honorable,lawful,nondiscriminatory,nonpartisan,objective,pure,reliable,right,righteous,rightful,rigid,scrupulous,strict,tried,true,trustworthy,unbiased,uncolored,upright,virtuous
反义词 imprecise,inaccurate,inappropriate,inequitable,partial,unfair,unfitting,unjust,unjustified,unsuitable,unsuited,wrongadj.accurate, precise
同义词 cogent,correct,exact,faithful,good,justified,normal,proper,regular,right,sound,strict,true,undistorted,veracious,veridical,well-founded,well-grounded
反义词 imprecise,inaccurate,inappropriate,inequitable,partial,unfair,unfitting,unjust,unjustified,unsuitable,unsuited,wrongadj.suitable, appropriate
同义词 apt,befitting,condign,deserved,due,felicitous,fit,fitting,happy,justified,legitimate,meet,merited,proper,reasonable,requisite,right,rightful,well-deserved
反义词 imprecise,inaccurate,inappropriate,inequitable,partial,unfair,unfitting,unjust,unjustified,unsuitable,unsuited,wrongadv.definitely
同义词 exactly,preciselyabsolutely,accurately,completely,directly,entirely,expressly,perfectly,right,sharp,smack-dab,square,squarely,unmistakably
反义词 indefinitelyadv.only now
同义词 barely,hardly,scarce,scarcelyalmost,a moment ago,approximately,at this moment,by very little,just a while ago,just now,lately,nearly,now,presently,recently,right now
反义词 indefinitelyadv.merely
同义词 but,only,simplyat most,no more than,nothing but,plainly,solely
反义词 indefinitely
accurateadjective precise
authentic,careful,close,concrete,correct,defined,definite,deft,detailed,discriminating,discriminative,distinct,exact,explicit,factual,faithful,genuine,judicious,literal,matter-of-fact,methodical,meticulous,on the button,on the money,on the nose,particular,proper,punctilious,punctual,regular,right,rigid,rigorous,scientific,scrupulous,severe,sharp,skillful,solid,specific,strict,systematic,true,ultraprecise,unerring,unmistakable,veracious
admissibleadjective able or deserving of consideration;allowable
acceptable,allowed,applicable,appropriate,concedable,fair,fitting,just,justifiable,lawful,legal,legitimate,licit,likely,logical,not impossible,not unlikely,okay,passable,permissible,permitted,pertinent,possible,probable,proper,rational,reasonable,relevant,right,suitable,tolerable,tolerated,warranted,worthy
alladverb completely, without exception
across the board,all in all,altogether,entirely,exactly,fully,just,purely,quite,totally,utterly,wholly
appropriateadjective suitable
adapted,applicable,appurtenant,apropos,apt,becoming,befitting,belonging,congruous,convenient,correct,deserved,desired,due,felicitous,fit,fitting,germane,good,just,on the button,on the nose,opportune,pertinent,proper,relevant,right,rightful,seemly,tailor-made,true,useful,well-suited,well-timed
aptadjective suitable
balancedadjective equalized




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