释义 |
Juren 基本例句 尤伦¹⁰⁰ Aifang Yang, Liping Zhu, Shilan Zhao,JurenZhang.何春梅,王贤丽,姜素云,胡孝瑞,杨爱芳。 China-US Joint Venture NingboJurenMeasure Co., Ltd.中美合资宁波巨人工量具有限公司。 He came to be a Xiucai and aJuren, but he couldn't become a Jinshi.他中了秀才,也中了举人,但最终也未能中进士。 Thanks for the EnqingJuren, special pagoda built so that future generations bearing in mind that this ex Germany.为答谢举人的恩情,特建成石塔,让后代铭记此恩此德。 The qipao not only liberated women’s legs, said CaoJuren, but also their arms.该旗袍,不仅解放了妇女的腿,曹举人说,而且还解放了他们的战争。 Miaomen high 1.4 Zhang, Ming DynastyJuren, Yongchun YAN Ting drainage floor plaques that Temple Fengshan Lansheng.庙门高1.;4丈,明代举人、永春颜廷渠题寺匾“凤山览胜”。 |