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词汇 Jurchen
释义 Jurchen
However, the Tangut belonged to nomadic people just as the Khitan,Jurchenand Tibetan did.但是,党项族与契丹、女真、吐蕃同属游牧民族,共同的游牧文化心理,使他们之间的服饰有许多共性。
There are-sa/-s /-so in Manchu which belongs to the syllable type ofJurchen,but-so can not be found in the exiting stone ofJurchenbig characters.与女真语-sa/-s同属一类的有满洲语-sa/-s/-so,-so不见于现存女真大字石刻中。
The documents of Hu-han Transcriptions are very precious to study the languages of Kidai,Jurchen,Mongolian,Uygur and Chinese.胡汉对音资料主要是指用汉语文为古代北方少数民族语言记音的资料,这些资料对研究古代契丹、女真、蒙古、回鹘语乃至汉语都是弥足珍贵的。
TheJurchenpeople, the founder being Wanyan Aguda, founded the Jin Dynasty.The Jin Empire conquered Liao Empire in 1125 and Northern Song in 1127 and unified Northern China.女真贵族完颜阿骨打建立的金朝,于1125年灭辽、1127年灭北宋,统治了中国北方。
ThisJurchenconquest of northern China and shift of capitals from Kaifeng to Lin'an marks the period of division between the Northern Song Dynasty and Southern Song Dynasty.至此,女真族征服中国北方地区,宋朝都城由开封迁往临安成为北宋和南宋的分界线。
However, the Tangut belonged to nomadic people just as the Khitan,Jurchenand Tibetan did.They shared the common cultural psychology and this resulted in a lot of similarities in their cos…但是,党项族与契丹、女真、吐蕃同属游牧民族,共同的游牧文化心理,使他们之间的服饰有许多共性。




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