

单词 Juno
释义 Ju·no 英ˈdʒuːnəʊ美ˈdʒunoAHDj›“nō 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
Roman mythology queen of the Olympian gods who protected marriage; wife and sister of Jupiter; counterpart of Greek Hera很可能来自拉丁词根jun-年轻的,本意就是“年轻的女神”或“新月女神”。词根juven-年轻的来自拉丁语,简化形式为jun-。它和日耳曼单词young年轻的最终都源自原始印欧语词根*yeu-年轻的。钱博士jun年轻+oS.名→年轻人⇒朱诺jun年轻+oS.名→年轻人⇒朱诺
用作名词Junoand Minerva were furious and threatened to settle matters with him.朱诺和密涅瓦恼羞成怒,威胁要和他算账。
Callisto was another maiden who excited the jealousy ofJuno, and the goddess changed her into a bear.卡利斯忒是另一个引得朱诺妒火中烧的少女,朱诺把她变作一头熊。“ We're really looking for the recipe for planet formation, ” Juno lead scientist Scott Bolton, with the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas, said shortly before the launch.
“我们正在探索木星到底是什么构成的,”德克萨斯州西南研究所研究员、“朱诺”号首席科学家斯科特·博尔顿 Scott Bolton在火箭发射不久后说。 yeeyan

Once it reaches Jupiter, Juno will orbit the planet's pole taking measurements that will provide insight into Jupiter's origin, structure, atmosphere and magnetosphere.
一旦它抵达木星,“朱诺”号将进入这个行星的极点轨道采取措施探索木星的源头、结构、大气和磁层。 yeeyan

Upon arrival on July4,2016, Juno will slingshot itself into an unprecedented polar orbit that will bring it to within 3,100 miles of the planet’s massive cloud tops.
“朱诺”号探测器将于2016年7月4日到达木星。 届时,它会自动弹射到新的极地轨道上,从而进入跨度达3100英里的大规模云层带。 yeeyan




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