

单词 junkets
释义 jun·ket·s 英'dʒʌŋkɪt美'dʒʌŋkɪt COCA⁶¹³⁹⁵BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
dessert made of sweetened milk coagulated with renneta journey taken for pleasure;

many summer excursions to the shore

it was merely a pleasure trip

after cautious sashays into the field

a trip taken by an official at public expense
go on a pleasure tripprovide a feast or banquet forpartake in a feast or banquetalmond junket杏仁豆腐junket ring压盖衬环
近义词 milk奶trip旅行visit拜访spree欢闹feast宴会jaunt远足outing郊游pudding布丁journey旅程banquet宴会excursion远足outgoing外向的expedition远征sashay到处走动freebie免费的东西pleasure trip快活游junketeer用公费游山玩水的人…
It finances academic research on energy. It takes hacks on junkets.
东电为学术能源研究买单,并且资助无足轻重的官员们公费旅游。 ecocn

Organisers will have breathed a sigh of relief that the Hollywood studios had the will and the money to finance these sorts of junkets.
戛纳的组织者也许会因好莱坞的工作室们愿意提供财政上的援助而长舒一口气。 yeeyan

Senior ministers have descended on Delhi, while Indian journalists have been offered press junkets Down Under.
在印度记者被邀请去澳洲南部参加新闻野餐的同时,澳大利亚的高级官员亲自去了趟德里。 ecocn

Such junkets highlight Estonia’s ultra- modern aspects, rather than its precarious present or unhappy past.
这样的游览突出的是爱沙尼亚超现代的一面,而非不稳定的现在局面和不愉快的过去历史。 ecocn

The discipline inspection body in Jiangsu issued tip-off telephone numbers, and Gansu forbade junkets for officials during the holiday.




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