

单词 jump off
释义 jump off dʒʌmpɔf 短语¹⁴⁰⁴⁵

set off quickly, usually with success;

The freshman jumped off to a good start in his math class

jump down from an elevated point;

the parachutist didn't want to jump

every year, hundreds of people jump off the Golden Gate bridge

the widow leapt into the funeral pyre

jump off the deep end跃入深水
近义词 leap跳跃jump跳跃
Don'tjump offthe deep and. I was just trying to be helpful.不要这么粗暴地和我说话,我只是想帮一下忙。
Don'tjump offa train when it's on the move.火车未停稳时万勿跳下。
Somebody dared me tojump offthe bridge into the river.有人激我敢不敢从桥上跳进河里。as in.start
同义词 beginning,dawn,kickoff,opening,outsetbirth,commencement,countdown,dawning,derivation,embarkation,foundation,inauguration,inception,initiation,introduction,leaving,onset,origin,source,spring,takeoffalpha,arrival,coming,day one,first step,flying start,running start,setting-out,square one,start-off
反义词 conclusion,end,ending,finish,close,completion,consequence,death,effect,exit,outgrowth,result,terminationstop
startnoun a beginning or place from which to begin
alpha,arrival,beginning,birth,coming,commencement,countdown,dawn,dawning,day one,derivation,embarkation,first step,flying start,foundation,inauguration,inception,initiation,introduction,kickoff,leaving,onset,opening,origin,outset,running start,setting-out,source,spring,square one,start-off,takeoff
startsnoun beginning
convulsions,jars,jumps,scares,shocks,spasms,turns,twitches It’s all well and good to jump off the deep end if no one’s depending on your earnings. But if you have a family or other dependents, you have to be absolutely sure before you strike out on your own.
如果没人靠你的收入生活,能跳出困境当然好,但是,如果你有家庭或其他依赖你的人,那你就必须在自主创业之前绝对有把握。 yeeyan

It takes a lot of warm up and deep breaths before you jump off a high- dive and we're less hesitant about walking down a flight of steps.
总所周知,在高潜水时需要做大量的热身工作,但进入高潜水之后,我们就不会再介意深入一点了。 cri

Allen would never jump off a diving board.
艾伦从不从跳水板上跳下。 hjenglish

If you jump off a building and don't know what you are doing, you may fall and wake up.
如果你在一座高楼跳下而不知自己在干什么,你会下坠并惊醒。 yeeyan

It wasn't long before Corey started to struggle. I was holding on to his jacket, but he kept trying to jump off the boat.
不久科里便开始挣扎,我紧紧攥住他的救生衣,可他仍然试图跳下船去,结果他挣脱了我的手。 yeeyan

Some men jump off a high bridge and don't get killed, but life insurance underwriters fight shy of that kind.
某个人从一座高桥上跳下,没死成,但是人寿保险公司会离这种人远远的。 yeeyan

Some praise addictions my own comes to mind raise their ugly heads by making the addict want to jump off a bridge rather than accept a compliment.
有些表扬成瘾让我想起了自己的,是通过让上瘾者希望宁可去跳桥也不接受一句好话,来崭露它那丑恶的面目。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

This parachute automatically gives Rico the freedom to explore without fear, as you can quite literally jump off any cliff and just open the parachute before you hit the ground.
降落伞使主角勇于探索而不必恐惧,你可以从游戏中任何一个悬崖上纵身跃下,在落地之前打开降落伞。 yeeyan

Why does it jump off the page at you?
为什么它能跳出页面呈现在你面前? yeeyan




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