释义 |
July School 基本例句 七月派 TheJuly Schoolof poets brought about great influence in the poetical history in China.Hu Feng, an organizer of the school, was its soul.“七月”诗派在中国诗史上产生较大影响,胡风是这个诗派的组织者,是它的灵魂。 The callipyga in the novels of theJuly Schoolchallenge the traditional moral standards that call for woman virtue,and display a daring spirit of overturning the male dominion.七月派小说中的女性形象突破恪守妇道、信奉女德的传统模式,表现出敢于颠覆男权统治、背离传统价值取向以及向世俗道德标准挑战的无所畏惧的精神,彰显了女性生命的激情和力度。 The Review of the Research of “July School” in the Late Decade近十年来“七月派”研究综述 On some definitions concerning investigation ofJuly School对当前“七月派”研究中的若干基础界定的商兑 |