

单词 Jue
释义 Jue ˈdʒuː COCA¹²⁷⁴²⁸
In the early of1990s, Professor Wang Jue raised The Labor Property Principal Theory.
1990年代初,王珏教授提出了“劳动者财产主体论”。 cnki

Meanwhile, British film- master Danny Boyle is president of the selection panel for the Jin Jue Award.
英国电影大师丹尼·博伊尔担任本届电影节竞赛单元金爵奖的评委会主席。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The Chilian Millennium BES petals turned into a tear in her eye, which is a gentle wind and rain when the mountain flowers last dance, chilling and Jue Yan.
千年百世的痴恋化作一朵带泪的花瓣,这温柔是风雨交加时山花最后一舞,凄迷而绝艳。 enwaimao.cn

The image of Jue- hui is a reflection of Ba Jins youth as well as the condensation of wide social life.
觉慧形象有巴金青少年时期的影子,但又是广阔社会生活的概括。 cnki

The new State Road 316 is in the east, Jue River embankment is in the west, Zengdu Economic Development Zone is in the south and Hejia River of Lishan Town is in the north.
东至新316国道,西至氵厥水河堤,南至曾都经济开发区甘沟子,北至厉山镇何家河。 www.suizhou.gov.cn

The successful Jue wears mouths the sullen to looking at into a rhyme and puts backs a jade cicada the coffin, eyes have been staring at not to put.
成功撅着嘴怏怏不乐看着成韵又将玉蝉放回棺中,眼睛一直盯着不放。 www.bb365.org.cn

The world of dizzy Jue, my heart is dead.
晕厥的世界,我心已死。 tianya

Happy Chinese New OX Year! Calligraphy by Master Yan Jue of Guangji Temple.
快乐中国牛年!广济寺方丈演觉法师题新年贺词。 blog.sina.com.cn

He suspected this might be the same group identified with the graphic Wang Jue video where she killed a cat with her high heels. He decided to join up and find out what was going on.
从图片上辨认,他猜这有可能与用高跟鞋踩杀猫的王月视频是同一个组织,于是决定加入看看能找到些什么。 yeeyan

In the strictly sense, imperial clan of Qing dynasty is constituted by the imperial clan and the Jue Luo.
从严格意义上讲,清朝宗室集团由宗室和觉罗两部分构成。 fabiao

Inside,25 pre-schoolers sit on the floor and listen to teacher Jue Wang.
里面有25个学前班学生正坐在地板上,聆听 Jue Wang老师讲课。 yeeyan

Kong Jue, one flashing red star.
孔厥,一闪而过的红色星斗。 dictall

Ming Jue jewelry sincerely hope that your arrival.
明珏饰品真诚希望您的到来。 blog.sina.com.cn

Ping Jue saw attend to long Qing one eye and said with smile at this time:“ This wine is still tough don't gush me, don't relate to.”
这时冯爵看了顾长卿一眼,笑道:“这点酒还难不倒我,没有关系。” timbola

Strengthening“ self-autonomy” is a vital means to prevent“Ma Jia- jue Case”.
考生加强自治是防范“马加爵案件”发生的根本手段之一。 cnki

Their teacher, Wang Jue, said that after four months of instruction, her pre-kindergartners can say phrases like“ I want lunch” and “ I'm angry” in Chinese.
他们的老师王珏音说,经过四个月的教学,她的学生已能用汉语表达诸如“我要吃午饭”,“我饿了”等句子。 yeeyan

We could not confuse the Jue of Jueyin in the six channels and the Jue in syncope.
不能将六经中的厥阴之“厥”与厥证之“厥”相混淆。 chemyq

Jue in Moonlight is one of the four wonders in Jincheng.
“珏山吐月”为晋城四大名胜之一。 blog.sina.com.cn




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