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词汇 joy
释义 joy 英dʒɔɪ美dʒɔɪAHDjoi


a glad feeling; glad behaviour; happiness


sth that causes gladness or happiness

the emotion of great happinesssomething or someone that provides a source of happiness;

a joy to behold

the pleasure of his company

the new car is a delight

feel happiness or joymake glad or happy

❌ It's joy to see him so healthy.

✔️ It's a joy to see him so healthy.


joy, delight, pleasure


1.delight指“喜悦”或“高兴”,多表示突然、短暂的喜悦; pleasure指“愉快”,是一般交际性的礼貌用语,还可指外界对头脑或感官刺激而引起的快感; joy指“欢乐”或“愉快”,有时可替代delight和pleasure。例如:

She grinned her delight.她露齿一笑表示高兴。
I have the pleasure of presenting our opening speaker.我很荣幸地介绍一下我们的开场发言人。
A smile often denotes pleasure.微笑常常是愉快的表示。

This afforded him great joy〔pleasure〕.这使他感到快乐。

2.joy在程度上比pleasure强; delight语气上要比pleasure更强。


This is a great joy to me.

This gives me great joy.这令我非常高兴。pleasure,delight,rapture,enjoyment,joy,fun





enjoyment比pleasure, joy和delight的语气轻,但更着重行为或乐事的本身,而不是感情。



用作名词 n.
动词+~anticipate joy期待欢乐awaken joy唤起欢快的情绪blight joy破坏了乐趣bring about joy带来喜悦cause joy产生欢喜之情,带来喜悦derive joy from从某事得到乐趣excite joy激起喜悦心情experience joy感到愉快express joy表现出喜悦心情feel joy感到高兴find joy得到欢乐find joy in helping others以帮助他人为乐hide one's joy掩盖内心的高兴intoxicate with joy陶醉于快乐之中jump for joy高兴得跳起来leap for joy高兴地跳起来radiate joy流露出欢乐share joy and sorrow同甘共苦,休戚与共show joy表现高兴snatch joy获得乐趣take joy获得欢乐形容词+~benevolent joy好善乐施boundless joy无限的欢乐common joy共同的高兴concentrated joy格外的高兴cradle joy儿时的乐趣early joy早期的乐趣earth-born joy天生的乐趣evident joy明显的喜悦frank joy真诚的高兴grateful joy非常高兴great joy极为欢乐,极大的乐趣hearty joy发自内心的高兴homely joy家庭的欢乐increasing joy不断增加的欢乐indescribable joy难以形容的喜悦ineffable joy说不出来的欢乐inexpressible joy说不出来的欢乐inward joy内心的喜悦lasting joy永久的欢乐malignant joy幸灾乐祸overwhelming joy极其高兴pretty joy特别的高兴profound joy甚为得意quite joy非常高兴secret joy暗地里高兴sheer joy绝对高兴sounding joy大笑strange joy不自在的高兴temporary joy一时的欢乐transient joy短暂的欢乐triumphant joy胜利的喜悦unbelieving joy不相信的乐趣unbounded joy无限的欢乐unbridled joy无限的欢乐unprecedented joy前所未有的喜悦unreasoning joy莫明其妙的欢乐unutterable joy说不出的喜悦wild joy狂喜,欣喜若狂wonderful joy非常高兴worldly joy世间的欢乐youthful joy年轻的欢乐~+名词joy bells教堂为喜庆等事而敲的报喜钟介词+~for joy高兴得…in joy快快活活,高高兴兴to sb's joy使某人高兴的是with joy满怀喜悦地~+介词joys of the life生活的快乐joy of victory胜利的喜悦
用作名词n.for〔with〕 joy

因高兴而… do sth because of pleasure

full of the joys of spring

非常快乐 very happy

get〔have〕 no joy

未获得成功或满足 (obtain no success or satisfaction)

pride and joy

某人的自豪所在 object of sb's pride

to sb's joy

使某人高兴的 as a cause of joy to sb

wish sb joy

希望某人玩得高兴 hope that sb will enjoy doing sth

非常记忆j周杰伦Jay+o鸡蛋+y树杈⇒周杰伦把鸡蛋叉在树杈上很欢乐故事记忆有个 Boy男孩玩着 Toy玩具心中 Joy喜悦小学英语速记联想记忆:enjoy享受人生中的joy喜悦近义词 delightgladnesspleasurehappinesssatisfaction反义词 miserysadnessunhappiness
用作名词n.His chief joy centered in caring for the children.他主要的乐趣集中在管教孩子们上。
Her evident joy at his return somewhat embarrassed him.一见到他回来,她就喜形于色,这使他有点不好意思。
When his wish was realized, his joy knew no measure.当他的愿望实现时,他不知道有多高兴。
A smile expressed her joy at the good news.微笑表示出她对这条好消息的欢欣。
Faced with this situation, they felt both joy and fear.面对这样的形势,他们既高兴又害怕。
She alternated between joy and grief.她时喜时忧。
An exclamation of joy escaped from her lips.她情不自禁地发出了一声高兴的叫喊声。
One of the joys of living here is the friendliness of the people.生活在这儿的一种欢乐,是这儿人们的友好态度。
The joy of joys is the joy that joys in the joy of others.一切欢乐中最大的欢乐就是为别人的欢乐而欢乐。
You can't go on grieving over your lost youth as you can never get it back, it's better to accept the joys of middle age.青春一去不复返,你不能总为失去青春而伤感,最好还是享受人到中年的乐趣。
These children are prepared for the disappointments as well as the joys of life.这些孩子不仅准备享受生活的乐趣,而且也准备经受生活中的失意。
As we talked, she felt a joy she could not restrain.我们谈话时,她感到一种难以抑制的高兴。
He experienced a joy in helping others in trouble.他领受到了那种帮助困难人之后的快乐。Pjoy-juicen.Pjoyancen.喜悦Pjoyhousen.妓院Pjoy-powdern.吗啡Pjoystickn.操纵杆Poverjoyvt.使大喜Penjoyvt.享受喜欢欣赏Pjoyousa.快乐的高兴的Penjoyability可享用性Pjoyswitch控制操纵开关Pjoybellsn.报喜钟庆祝钟Pjoypopvi.逢场作戏地吸毒Penjoymentn.享乐快乐享受Pjoyriding疯狂驱车偷车者Pjoyridern.乘汽车兜风的人Penjoyablyad.有趣地愉快地Pjoylessa.不高兴的不快乐的Pkilljoyn.令人扫兴的人煞风景Poverjoyeda.狂喜的非常高兴的Pjoyfula.欢喜的高兴的令人高兴的Penjoyablea.可从中得到乐趣的令人愉快的Pjoyriden.驾车兜风偷车乱开乘汽车兜风追求享受的行动胡作非为




用作名词He is in immeasurablejoy.他沉浸在巨大的欢乐之中。
I saw thejoyin her smiling face.从她的笑脸上我看到欢欣。
Tears ofjoystreamed down her face.喜悦的泪水从她的脸上流下来。
She discovered thejoyof writing.她感到了写作的乐趣。用作动词Ijoyto see you so successful.我看到你如此成功而感到欣慰。
She smiled and could not hold back tears ofjoy.她笑了起来,禁不住流下喜悦的眼泪。
A smile expressed herjoyat the news.微笑表达了她对这个消息的喜悦心情。noun.great happiness, pleasure
同义词 amusement,bliss,charm,cheer,comfort,delight,elation,glee,humor,pride,satisfaction,wonderalleviation,animation,delectation,diversion,ecstasy,exultation,exulting,felicity,festivity,frolic,fruition,gaiety,gem,gladness,gratification,hilarity,indulgence,jewel,jubilance,liveliness,luxury,merriment,mirth,prize,rapture,ravishment,refreshment,rejoicing,revelry,solace,sport,transport,treasure,treatgood humor,pride and joy,regalement
反义词 depression,melancholy,misery,sadness,seriousness,sorrow,unhappiness,discouragement,dislike,mourning,vocation,workwoe
anticipationnoun expectation
apprehension,awaiting,contemplation,expectancy,foresight,foretaste,high hopes,hope,impatience,looking forward,outlook,preconception,premonition,preoccupation,prescience,presentiment,promise,prospect,trust
blissnoun ecstasy
boastnoun brag;source of pride
avowal,bluster,bombast,braggadocio,bravado,exaggeration,gasconade,grandiloquence,heroics,joy,pretension,pride,pride and joy,self-satisfaction,swank,treasure,vaunt
boastsnoun brag;source of pride
avowals,blusters,bombast,braggadocios,bravadoes,exaggerations,gasconades,grandiloquence,heroics,joys,pretensions,pride and joys,prides,self-satisfactions,swank,treasures,vaunts
cheernoun happiness
animation,buoyancy,cheerfulness,cheeriness,comfort,delight,encouragement,exuberance,gaiety,geniality,gladness,glee,good cheer,hilarity,hopefulness,jauntiness,jocundity,joy,joyousness,lightheartedness,liveliness,merriment,merry-making,mirth,optimism,solace
cheerfulnessnoun happiness
animation,buoyancy,cheer,cheeriness,comfort,delight,encouragement,exuberance,gaiety,geniality,gladness,glee,good cheer,hilarity,hopefulness,jauntiness,jocundity,joy,joyousness,light-heartedness,liveliness,merriment,mirth,optimism,solace With joy, he described the opinions from those scholars.
他十分高兴的叙述了那些学者的意见。 hxen

After a difficult year like2006, I rediscovered the joy of being in Formula One.

And I will never forget the joy on the faces of my little ones that precious morning.
而我也将永不会忘记在那个珍贵的早晨,我的小家伙们脸上满溢的快乐。 yeeyan

But since they’d begun sleeping together, she had no joy in her life.
但自从他们开始睡在一起后,她的生活便没有了欢乐。 yeeyan

But we must remember that there is an enemy, the devil, who is out to steal our faith, our peace, and our joy.
但是我们必须记住有一个敌人,就是魔鬼,他要偷走我们的信仰,我们的平安,和我们的喜乐。 yeeyan

Do I know what brings me joy?
我知道什么能带给我快乐吗? ebigear

He jumped with joy when he heard the good news.

He flung himself down beside it on the sand, weeping as one trembling with joy, and in his brown arms he held it to his breast.
他整个儿扑到在她身边,匍匐在沙上,哭得像一个因欢喜而颤抖的人,并用他褐色的臂膀将她紧紧地拥在胸口。 yeeyan

His chief joy centred in studying foreign language.

His heart sang for joy.

I, too, give myself to Him forever, for sorrow with Him must be sweeter than any joy that I have known.
我也愿意把我自己永远奉献给祂,因为有祂同在的忧愁一定比我所知道的快乐更加甘甜。 ebigear

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
我听见我的儿女们按真理而行,我的喜乐就没有比这个大的。 ebigear

I want his brothers and sister, their loved ones and children to join us and share in our joy.
我想让他的兄弟姐妹,以及他们各自的爱人和孩子一起加入我们,分享我们的快乐。 yeeyan

I wish you all the same joy as me on your holiday.
我祝愿你们在假期里都和我一样高兴。 yeeyan

If only for the joy of my sadness, I wish there were no death on this earth.
如果只是为了我悲伤的喜悦,我愿这世上不再有死亡。 yeeyan

It is the place where all is at peace, where joy and unconditional love reign, where there is no hatred, anger or fear.

Next he took off on his bicycle and flew down and the sidewalk on wings of joy.
接着他骑上他的自行车,像插上了欢乐的翅膀一样沿着人行道出发了。 yeeyan

Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand.
我们并不是辖管你们的信心,乃是帮助你们的快乐。因为你们凭信才站立得住。 ebigear

She had come to him, what joy!
她居然来就他,多大的喜悦啊! ebigear

So how do you Focus on the Joy?
那么,如何注重生活中的欢乐呢? kekenet

There must be some balance between the joy our kids give us and the sacrifices we make to care for them.
这些必须在孩子带给我们欢乐和我们做出牺牲去照顾他们之间有所权衡。 yeeyan

They bubbled over with joy at the good news.

To me Olympic Games do not only bring their champions moments of joy, they can also affect the life of each and every one of us.

When you do this willingly, it brings her great joy.
如果你心甘乐意地做这些,这会给她带来极大的喜乐。 yeeyan

Yet we all yearn for that deep connection with others, those moments of bliss, joy, completeness.
然而,我们都渴望与别人深入的交往,渴望那些幸福、快乐、圆满的时刻。 yeeyan

You are my Joy.
你就是我的快乐。 putclub

You offer us this joy; but how can we receive it from the outside?
你给我们这种喜悦,但是我们如何从外部收到它呢? yeeyan

You think joy is the only means of salvation and you despise all others?
你认为喜悦时拯救的唯一方法,你鄙视所有其他的方法吗? yeeyan




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