释义 |
Jonagold 基本例句 乔纳金¹⁰⁰ For FujiJonagoldStarkrimson Gala apples etc.用于红富士、乔纳金、红星、嘎啦等苹果套袋。 The cultivars Starking and Fuji were in- jured heavily,Ralls and Golden Delicious slightly,butJonagoldand Yoko were not harmed at all.在苹果品种上,红星受害最重,富士次之,国光、金冠较轻,乔纳金、阳光不受伤害。 The concentration of apple fruit nutrients and pigments was determined in four cultivars, “Starkrimson”,“Jonagold”,“Red Fuji” and “New Rails”.通过对‘新红星’、‘乔纳金’、‘红富士’、‘新国光’四个苹果品种果实不同发育时期的营养成分测定,发现苹果花青素的形成与果实的糖、酸、维生素C、蛋白质、钾等都存在着一定的相关性。 Effect of Somatotrophins on Root Formation ofJonagoldApple Variety in Test-tube生长素对乔纳金苹果试管苗生根的影响 452 aneuploid seedlings were received from the two cultural methods, whose rate was 65% in the 690Jonagoldprogenies.本研究获得的690个乔纳金实生后代中以非整倍体植株占多数,共获得非整倍体452株,占植株总数的65.;5%。 |