

单词 Anti-drugs
释义 Anti-drugsCOCA²³⁴⁵²¹BNC⁴⁴²⁹³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
多重耐药¹⁰⁰原型anti-drug的复数 The assassination of Honduras’s top anti-drugs official in 2009 seems to have been a Sinaloa hit.
洪都拉斯缉毒头号官员的被刺似乎已经成为 sinaloa的招牌之举。 ecocn

Guatemala's chief of national police and the country's top anti-drugs official have been arrested over alleged links to drug trafficking.
危地马拉国家警察局长和国家顶级禁毒官员因涉嫌毒品走私而被逮捕。 acsf

If the funding is approved, America will provide Mexico with anti-drugs training and equipment over the next three years.
如果基金得到批准,美国将在未来三年内向墨西哥提供禁毒训练和设备。 topsage

Mr Obama visited El Salvador in March, when he announced a modest increase in anti-drugs aid to the region, if Congress agrees.
Obama先生三月访问萨尔瓦多,他宣布若国会通过,将酌量增加对中美洲的禁毒援助。 ecocn

Now I've adapted Nancy Reagan's legendary anti-drugs slogan: Just say no.
如今,我会用南希•里根 Nancy Reagan那句著名的禁毒口号:直接说不。 blog.sina.com.cn

She thought the banner was a deliberate attempt to subvert the school's anti-drugs policy, and worried that it would spark unruliness.
她认为这个标语是企图推翻学校禁毒政策的一次尝试,她担心这会引起局势的失控。 ecocn




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