

单词 antidotes
释义 antidotes 英'æntɪdəʊts美'æntɪdəʊts COCA⁶⁴²⁰²BNC⁶¹⁵⁰⁶
antidotal 的第三人称单数原型antidote的复数
名词 antidote:
a remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison For analysts of hate radio and its antidotes, the Balkans provide evidence of what works.
对研究仇恨电波及其解毒方法的分析家来说,巴尔干人提供了有效方法的证据。 ecocn

It seems as though these qualities might be good antidotes to Second Startup Syndrome.
这些品质似乎可以成为治疗二次创业综合症的一剂良药。 yeeyan

To the list of unusual antidotes for pain— including cursing, meditation and giving a massage— now add crossing your arms.
独特的疼痛解毒剂列表包括骂人,冥想和按摩,如今还增加了抱臂。 hxen

Adopt Diligence to counteract laziness, and tolerance as well as self-discipline as antidotes of lack of resolution and unyielding spirit.
因为懒惰习气的缘故,我们必须精进;因为缺乏决心与刚毅的精神,所以我们需要忍耐与自制。 blog.sina.com.cn

Although relationships are one of the best antidotes to stress, sometimes you need time alone to recharge and reflect.
尽管保持人际关系是应对压力最好解药,但有时您需要独处来重新积蓄能量和反思。 yeeyan

It is also a reason to look for antidotes to stagnation beyond macroeconomic policy.
这也是需要为宏观经济政策之外的停滞找到解决方法的一个原因。 ecocn

It says potassium iodide pills are not antidotes for radiation.
该组织说,碘化钾药片不是核辐射的解毒剂。 voanews

Objective To analyze the quality in laboratory diagnosis of multiple myeloma MM and to suggest the corresponding antidotes.
目的对多发性骨髓瘤 MM的实验诊断质量评估,并提出相应对策。 cnki

Potassium iodide pills are not“ radiation antidotes”.
钾片碘片都并非“核辐射解毒剂”。 hjenglish

Rather, he's trying to teach students to think like hackers so they can devise antidotes.
倒不如说他正在尝试教学生像黑客一样思考,以便他们能够想出解毒药。 yeeyan

Thus, you also need to know their antidotes and then adopt them into your life.
因而你还需要知道去除此三毒的方法,并在生活中运用之。 blog.sina.com.cn

Two of the antidotes to fear are action and preparation. Start doing both by reinforcing your existing safety net.
解除担忧的两种方法就是行动和准备,从这两个方面来加固你现有的安全网。 yeeyan

Yet the high calling of diplomacy is to find antidotes to the rivalries that poison geopolitics.
但高超的外交只是为了找到应对破坏地缘政治的政权的良策。 yeeyan

Antidotes and Treatments: There are no known antidotes for Amanita poisoning; however, victims have survived after receiving liver transplants.

Antidotes play an important role in cure of poisoning.
解毒药物在中毒患者救治中具有重要作用。 dictall




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