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词汇 John Negroponte
释义 John Negroponte
Deputy Secretary of StateJohn Negroponteand Iraqi President Jalal Talabani attended the opening ceremony.美国副国务卿约翰和伊拉克总统塔拉巴尼参加了使馆运行仪式。
In late August, U.S.Deputy Secretary of StateJohn Negropontedeclared Chen's proposal “a mistake.八月底;美国副国务卿约翰尼洛庞帝宣称陈的提案是个”错误.
U.S.Deputy Secretary of StateJohn Negroponteand Iraqi President Jalal Talabani attended the opening ceremony.代理国务卿约翰.;尼格尔旁特和伊拉克总统扎尔
US ambassador to the UNJohn Negropontesaid he could not support the resolution because it did not deal with the terrorism confronting Israel.美国驻联合国大使,约翰-内格罗蓬特说,他不能支持这一决议,因为这一决议对解决以色列国内的恐怖事件没有任何帮助。
U.S. Deputy Secretary of StateJohn Negroponteattended activities in Beijing Wednesday to commemorate 30 years of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.美国副国务卿内格罗蓬特星期叁在北京参加美国和中国建交30周年纪念活动。
In the Western Hemisphere,John Negropontesaid, a gradual consolidation of democratic institutions is the dominant positive trend in most of Latin America.在西半球,内格罗蓬特声称,在大多数拉丁美洲国家,一个逐渐巩固的民主制度占有绝对的优势,这也是大势所向。




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