

单词 johannes kepler
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英Noun:German astronomer who first stated laws of planetary motion1571-1630;🌏开普勒;克卜勒;天文学家开普勒

German astronomer who first stated laws of planetary motion 1571-1630 According to Friedrich Schneider, an economics professor at Austria's Johannes Kepler University of Linz who co-authored the study, the margin of error baked into the results is about15 percent.
开普勒大学经济学教授施奈德 Friedrich Schneider认为,对用数字来确定“地下经济”总量的结果,允许其有15%的误差幅度。 yeeyan

The existence of two Martian moons was predicted around1610 by Johannes Kepler, the astronomer who derived the laws of planetary motion.
天文学家开普勒根据行星运动的规律,在1610年就预测火星有两个卫星。 meiyeah

But2009 is also the400th anniversary of the publication by Johannes Kepler, a German mathematician and astronomer, of “ Astronomia Nova”.
但是,2009年也是德国数学家、天文学家开普勒发表《新天文学》400周年。 ecocn

His work was defended, expanded upon, and corrected by Galileo Galileiand Johannes Kepler.
他的工作是维护,扩大和纠正伽利略和约翰内斯开普勒。 blog.sina.com.cn

Often considered the stuff of science fiction, sailing through space was suggested400 years ago by astronomer Johannes Kepler who observed comet tails blown by the solar wind.
400年前,约翰·开普勒发现太阳风作用形成彗尾的现象,并由此提出星际航行的构想,但这常被认为是科幻小说里的内容。 yeeyan

Since Johannes Kepler’s supernova was spotted in 1604, astronomershaven’t witnessed one in our own galaxy.
自1604年开普勒发现一颗超新星以来,天文学家便再也没有在我们的银河系发现这种天体。 yeeyan

Of course Johannes Kepler was writing in German, actually no, he’d have been writing in Latin.
开普勒当然是用德语写作的,但实际情况并非如此,他也用拉丁语写过文章。 yeeyan




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