

单词 Johannes Brahms
释义 Johannes Brahms

German composer who developed the romantic style of both lyrical and classical music 1833-1897近义词 Brahms勃拉姆斯(姓氏…
Johannes Brahms- Hungarian Dances n.勃拉姆斯-匈牙利舞曲第一,第五,第十号。
The German composerJohannes Brahmshad his first music lessons from his father.德国作曲家约翰尼斯·布拉姆斯是从他父亲那里开始学习音乐的。
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra is performing Symphony Number One byJohannes Brahms.芝加哥交响乐团正在演奏约翰内斯?勃拉姆斯的《第一交响曲》,
In most Chinese works,Johannes Brahmsthe romantic composer of the 19th century is often referred to as a conservative traditionalist and the last classical German musician.在众多的中文书籍中,十九世纪德奥浪漫主义作曲家约翰内斯·勃拉姆斯常常被视为保守的传统主义者,德国古典作曲家中的最后一人。
It no wonder that Brahms,who loved the waltz and wrote many beautiful ones himself,autographed Mrs. Strauss's fan by writing the opening melody of The Blue Danube,followed by the comment,Unfortunately not byJohannes Brahms.勃拉姆斯极其喜爱圆舞曲,他本人也写了许多美丽的这种乐曲,难怪他亲笔在施特劳斯夫人的扇子上抄下《蓝色多瑙河》起始的旋律后加厂下面一句话:“不幸非约翰·勃拉姆斯所作”。
Johannes BrahmsPia…-克里斯蒂安… It should be noted, however, that the Strauss dynasty enjoyed the highest respect among great composers of the day, such as Richard Wagner and Johannes Brahms.




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