

单词 jobseekers
释义 jobseekersCOCA¹⁶⁰⁸⁹⁹BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺Economist¹⁷³⁷⁵
n.求职者原型jobseeker的复数 Landing a well-paid job in a foreign company is something millions of China's jobseekers dream of, but the findings of a recent survey may change their minds.
能在外企谋得一份高收入的工作是数百万中国求职者的梦想,然而,最近的一个调查可能会改变他们的想法。 putclub.com

Britain's employers are reporting improved recruitment plans for the first time in three years, offering a “ glimmer of hope” to jobseekers in the run- up to Christmas, according to a survey out today.
据今天发布的调查,英国招聘者报告了三年来首次改善的招聘计划,为求职者在圣诞节准备工作前提供“一线希望”。 yeeyan

But“ Work First” candidates are assigned to placement agencies on a rotating basis, and these agencies, in turn, have different propensities to put jobseekers into either temporary or full-time work.
但是在“工作第一”计划中,求职者被轮流分配给中介机构,而这些中介机构又轮流将这些求职者分配到临时性工作或全职工作中去。 ecocn

Opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan areas.
明亮的年轻人机会更大的城市,已经有一个稳定的充满希望的村庄和农场的求职者的大型都市地区。 en37.com

South Sudan will be independent from July9th and investors, entrepreneurs and jobseekers are pouring into the capital, lured by the prospect of equipping a new state.
南苏丹将于7月9日独立,受到创建崭新国家前景的引诱,投资者、企业家和求职者们正在涌入首都。 yeeyan

Jobseekers have been warned that their Facebook profile could damage their employment prospects, after a study found that seven in10 employers now research candidates online.
经调查发现,如今10个雇主中会有7个在网上研究他们的求职者,求职者已经得到警告,他们的 Facebook的个人资料可能会损害他们的就业机会。 yeeyan




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