

单词 JJ
释义 JJ.
abbr.=Judges; Justices🌏没有看成直播;楼下木有;摸楼下的
The order of the productions in a . jj file is generally irrelevant except in this case, where the name of the topmost production in the grammar is used to invoke the parser.
jj文件中的结果顺序通常是无关的,而本案例除外,在本案例中,语法中最顶部的结果名称用于调用解析器。 ibm

By using this model, the current cumulative oil generating intensity and amount for immature source rocks of Qianjiang formation were calculated in JJ, QQ, XX Depressions, the Jianghan Basin.
应用该模型测算了江汉盆地 JJ、 QQ、 XX凹陷潜江组未熟烃源岩在现今的累积生油强度和生油量。 cnki




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