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词汇 antics
释义 antics 美'æntɪks ★☆☆☆☆高八COCA¹⁹³⁵⁸BNC¹⁶¹⁰⁷iWeb¹³⁵³⁹Economist¹⁵³⁰²
名词 antic:
a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement
动词 antic:
act as or like a clown来自前缀ante-, 在前, 先前。指食古不化的人。antic古怪、滑稽的动作和行…
GRE难词记忆antics→antic a.古怪的+s→古怪的姿态 antica.古怪的+s⇒古怪的姿态近义词 foolery愚行funny可笑的capers刺山柑gestures动词gesture的第三…

Theanticsof the defense attorneys turned the trial into a burlesque of justice.辩护律师们滑稽的动作将审判变成了对正义的滑稽的模仿
Rumors of theiranticsbecame part of the folklore of Hollywood.他们滑稽动作的传闻成了好莱坞民间传说的一部分。
The children laughed with glee at the clown'santics.孩子们让小丑的滑稽动作逗得哈哈大笑。
We are laughing at the clown's sillyantics.我们因小丑笨拙的动作而发笑。as in.horseplay
同义词 hijinks,misbehavior,rowdinessbuffoonery,capers,clowning,pranks,shenanigans,tomfooleryfooling around,fun and games,rough-housingas in.monkey business
同义词 absurdity,absurdness,buffoonery,carrying-on,clowning around,craziness,disobedience,foolery,foolishness,hanky-panky,high jinks,hokey-pokey,horse feathers,horseplay,inanity,insanity,irresponsibility,ludicrousness,lunacy,misbehavior,mischief,mischief-making,monkeyshine,nonsense,poppycock,prank,silliness,stupidity,tommyrotas in.shenanigans
同义词 capers,frolicsomeness,gag,horseplay,misbehavior,mischievousness,naughtiness,nonsense,prank,trouble,vandalismdirty trick,fooling around,funny business,hanky-panky,high jinks,horsing around,monkey businessas in.sportiveness
同义词 friskiness,frolicsomeness,gaiety,impishness,jauntiness,lightheartedness,liveliness,merrymaking,mirth,spiritedness,vivacity,waggishnessas in.tomfoolery
同义词 absurdity,bunk,clowning,craziness,folly,foolery,foolishness,fun,giddiness,horseplay,insanity,irresponsibility,lunacy,madness,ridiculousness,senselessness,shenanigans,sillinesscarrying-on,fooling around,funny business,high jinks,joking,kidding around,ludicrousnessas in.waggishness
同义词 friskiness,frolicsomeness,gaiety,impishness,jauntiness,lightheartedness,liveliness,merrymaking,mirth,spiritedness,sportiveness,vivacity
horseplaynoun rough play
buffoonery,capers,clowning,fooling around,fun and games,hijinks,misbehavior,pranks,rough-housing,rowdiness,shenanigans,tomfoolery
monkey businessnoun shenanigans
absurdity,absurdness,antics,buffoonery,carrying-on,clowning around,craziness,disobedience,foolery,foolishness,hanky-panky,high jinks,hokey-pokey,horse feathers,horseplay,inanity,insanity,irresponsibility,ludicrousness,lunacy,misbehavior,mischief,mischief-making,monkeyshine,nonsense,poppycock,prank,silliness,stupidity,tommyrot
shenanigansnoun mischief
antics,capers,dirty tricks,fooling arounds,frolicsomenesses,funny businesses,gags,hanky-pankies,high jinks,horseplay,horsing arounds,misbehaviors,mischievousness,monkey businesses,naughtiness,nonsense,pranks,troubles,vandalism
sportivenessnoun playfulness
tomfoolerynoun nonsense
absurdity,antics,bunk,carrying-on,clowning,craziness,folly,foolery,fooling around,foolishness,fun,funny business,giddiness,high jinks,horseplay,insanity,irresponsibility,joking,kidding around,ludicrousness,lunacy,madness,ridiculousness,senselessness,shenanigans,silliness
waggishnessnoun playfulness
antics,friskiness,frolicsomeness,gaiety,impishness,jauntiness,lightheartedness,liveliness,merrymaking,mirth,spiritedness,sportiveness,vivacity I would much rather watch Bill Nye's exciting little antics than to listen to Ms. S read from a book.

IT IS tempting to resort to cliché: a Martian parachuted into Washington, DC, this summer would be utterly bemused by the antics of its political class.
人们热衷于从陈词滥调中寻找借口:一个火星人空降到华盛顿,这个夏天将人们将完全为它政治课的笨拙滑稽目瞪口呆。 ecocn

Li received a second yellow card for her antics.
李洁因为她略显滑稽的行为吃到了第二张黄牌。 yeeyan

Outside my window there stands an oak tree. I'd rather watch birds but sometimes I'm entertained by the antics of squirrels.
我的窗外有一棵橡树。我倒是宁愿看小鸟,但有时会被那些松鼠的滑稽模样逗乐。 yeeyan

The book continues to record his antics.
书中继续述说他的滑稽动作。 yeeyan

The book continues to record his antics. But it also captures the four- hanky nobility of Marley's struggling through his last days.
书中继续记录着马利的种种滑稽行为,但同时也记下了它在生命的最后时日里同死神作斗争的催人泪下的高贵品质。 yeeyan

The Portuguese winger has had a good season, and all could be forgiven for his second-half antics since the Red Devils had all but put the game away in the first half.
葡萄牙边锋已经取得了一个不错的赛季,从红魔上半场就提前结束了比赛,纳尼下半场的滑稽表演也都被原谅了。 yeeyan

The resignation of Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi—and his long persistence in office despite cringe- worthy antics— highlights a pattern that merits recognition.
意大利总理贝鲁斯科尼递出了辞职信,长期占据政治中心办公室的毅力虽然值得滑稽地奉承一下,但仍不失为公认的优势中突出的一点。 yeeyan

After the talk, I would identify moths using a guide written in 1923, in silence or listening to stories of his dog’s latest antics.
在交谈之后,我会默默地利用1923年的工具书来区分蛾子,或者听他讲关于小狗的滑稽趣事。 yeeyan

As for Sarah Palin, her antics are helping no one, other than Mr Obama; she should put up, or preferably shut up.
至于莎拉•佩林,她的滑稽表演帮不了任何人,除了奥巴马先生;她应该振作,或者干脆闭嘴吧。 ecocn

As a candidate, he toned down his antics and donned bespoke suits. But he still appealed to Haiti’s youthful majority.
作为一位候选人,他收敛了他的古怪姿态并穿上了定制的西服,但是仍然有大多数的年轻人为他着迷。 ecocn

But the antics of Poland's politicians may not encourage high voter turn-out—and even an election might not bring much improvement.
但是波兰政客滑稽的行为可能不会让任何一个党派赢得多数票——此外,即使选举产生新的政府也不会对国民的现状有任何改善。 ecocn

Football has a rich history of questionable antics by goalkeepers.
足球史上,有很多饱受质疑的古怪行为都是由守门员做出的。 yeeyan

I’d rather watch birds but sometimes I’m entertained by the antics of squirrels.
我倒是宁愿看小鸟,但有时会被那些松鼠的滑稽模样逗乐。 yeeyan

NOVELISTS as different as Wilbur Smith and Elmore Leonard have been inspired recently to write about the antics of the pirate- kings of Djibouti.
如威尔伯•史密斯和埃尔莫尔•伦纳德之流风格迥异的小说家们最近受到启发,写出了吉布提海盗王们的滑稽故事。 ecocn

Out of these antics emerged the image of a hands-on, no- nonsense and down- to- earth ruler who feels at ease with rough-speaking truck drivers.
在所有这些诙谐滑稽的活动中,普京给人一种事必躬亲、严肃认真、脚踏实地的统治者形象,和操着满口脏话的卡车司机在一起也不觉得拘谨。 ecocn

Some took the movie at face value: the zany antics of Indian college kids.
一些人只看到这部电影的皮毛:印度大学生的滑稽表演。 yeeyan

The biggest shock was the suicidal antics of Vince Cable.
最令人震惊的是文斯·卡博滑稽的自杀动作。 yeeyan

There is one reason and one reason only that a couple like Wilma and Fred Flintstone could stay together, despite her somewhat shrewish nature and his boorish antics.
有且仅有一个原因可以解释为什么威尔玛和笨伯竟然能够生活在一起——老婆多少显得有点泼妇,老头则粗鲁滑稽。 yeeyan

Wall Street has been transfixed this week by the antics of former Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain.
这个星期,前美林集团 CEO约翰·塞恩的滑稽举动让华尔街目瞪口呆。 yeeyan

We're three episodes into season 4 of 'The Big Bang Theory' and the show continues to focus on the antics of nerdy theoretical physicist Sheldon.
目前《生活大爆炸》第四季已经播出到了第三集,本集继续关注我们滑稽古怪的书呆子理论物理学家——谢耳朵。 yeeyan

Who Framed Roger Rabbit is the zany story of a cartoon bunny's madcap antics as he battles a corrupt legal system that has framed him for a brutal homicide.
《谁陷害了兔子罗杰》的荒诞故事讲了一只卡通兔子与诬陷他犯下了一起残暴谋杀案的腐败法律体系相抗争,从而引发出一连串鲁莽滑稽的行为。 yeeyan

You cannot depict a saint- like Amadeus, the music prodigy, as all giggles and antics. It has to be a one-dimensional portrayal.
例如你不能用很多的搞笑和滑稽场面来描绘音乐神童莫扎特吧,你只能用一维的效果来塑造传记人物。 yeeyan




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