释义 |
Jingbi 基本例句 颈臂¹⁰⁰ An art exhibition titled West Meets East will open next week at theJingbiCeramics, at which oil paintings by famous artists and ceramic works from Jingdezhen will be present.下周在马哥孛罗酒店对面的晶碧陶瓷将举办名为西方遇到东方的美展,参展的有著名美国油画家的作品和中国景德镇的瓷器精品。 Shortly after the two climbed into as wells is old andJingbistones, mud collapsed down to the small show and Xiaojun buried in the bottom of the well, the two wounds.两人爬进去后不久,由于水井年久失修,井壁的石块、泥土坍塌下来,将小秀和小俊埋在井底,两人不治身亡。 The whole family are involved in the corruption scandal, prosecutors also accusedJingbiaggressive than the current “head of state,” confidently claimed, Taiwan Speak get around to boast.全家都卷入弊案,被告竟比检调还咄咄逼人,比现任“元首”还理直气壮,全台到处露脸开讲吹嘘。 Keywords Puerarin;JingbiGranules;HPLC;Content;葛根素;颈痹颗粒;高效液相色谱法;含量; 6.An art exhibition titled West Meets East will open next week at theJingbiCeramics, at which oil paintings by famous artists and ceramic works from Jingdezhen will be present.下周在马哥孛罗酒店对面的晶碧陶瓷将举办名为西方遇到东方的美展;参展的有著名美国油画家的作品和中国景德镇的瓷器精品. JingbiGranules颈痹颗粒 |